6. sweet potatoes

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"goodnight coop, goodnight handsome" she disconnected from the call leaving a stunned yet confused me along side a also stunned but silent cooper.

"what was-" cooper was about to ask before I cut him off

"I want to ask myself that but I don't think I even want to" I responded

"dude what," he sounded confused "why"

"I don't know man" I let out a almost disappointed sigh "Its just- I don't think she likes me she's probably just being nice and she just makes me really happy. Her smile just sets something off my whole body lights up and my stomach gets all fluffy"

Cooper let out a chuckle. He could hear the confusion in my silence

"Ted.." he sat quiet for a second "all the years I have known you I have not seen you at a loss for words like this since Madd-"

Cooper cut himself off

I knew where he was going with that sentence. Maddy. We hadn't talked about it in a year. It had already been over a year since we ended things. She cheated on me with Mason. Fucking Mason, I never talk to Mason unless its the rare occasion of us two ending up in a discord call together when I'm gaming with the boys. I wasn't surprised when Maddy pulled her little cheating stunt. It may sound sad but she was very mentally abusive to me always making fun of my insecurities and was very over possessive of me so something like this was bound to happen. I wasn't so much mad when it happened, well at least not at Maddy more or so just Mason but I had to end things then and there it was too much for me.

For a few months after she followed me around when I would go out. I filed multiple police reports but nothing was made of it and eventually she just left me alone and i've heard nothing since.

my stomach dropped at the thought of this topic. all of the sudden all those butterflies I had from my recent interaction with y/n flew away.

"listen man" cooper got serious but had remorse in his tone " I'm sorry that was really insensitive of me"

"No no it's okay I think I am gonna go to bed now coop"

"alright good nigh-"

I left the call before he finished his goodbyes. I didn't want to hear his voice anymore, I wasn't mad but hearing Cooper sound sorry made me feel worse than I already was. I just wanted to curl up in my bed and be alone.

I quickly hopped into a warm shower hoping it would make me feel slightly less tense before hopping into my bed.

After brushing my teeth I threw on some boxers and got under my blankets. To my defeat there It was, y/n

she won't leave me alone ... but for some reason it doesn't bother me at all I just let go of all the tenseness and drifted into sleep with the thought of y/n in the back of my mind

y/n pov

I woke up to the loud blaring noise of my alarm and the bright golden sun beaming into my y/e/c eyes. I stretch my arms back letting out a well needed yawn. That night I slept really well, I always did after talking to Ted. For some reason he made me feel less stressed ... I don't know. I let that thought ponder as I effortlessly walked to my dresser grabbing some jeans and a t shirt. I grab my speaker and walk into the bathroom. I connect my phone to my speaker and turn on some tunes to listen to while I shower.

"didn't know you had a hot sister" tedxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now