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Night came once again with another ball for the citizens to enjoy. This was a night of introductions. A night to kindle a bond between another person whom you may spend your life with. Meeting with others during this time was of importance to everyone attending.

Walking through the entrance hall with both Wilbur and mother beside me, I felt at ease knowing I will be able to have a few dances tonight. "I have already a few possible suitors picked out for you y/n. I know that you want to dance mostly but you must have a conversation with them." We all stop in front of the door that leads to the ballroom as Mother brings up what I must do.

She means no harm with the word she speaks to me. I've known that since the first ball I attended. "I know mom. The only person you should be watching over is Wilbur after what happened last night," I smirk to the curly-haired man standing next to me; his eyes wandering around the hall.

"Aish y/n, really have to put me under like that? I thought you cared about your poor brother who's taken care of you all these years." Wilbur dramatically exclaims in return. The ballroom doors open for us, revealing its shining interior as guests in fancy gowns make their way around the room. Forgetting the conversations second before, we make our way into the room.

Eyes turning over to our entrance as we make our way through the party. We, the Everleighs, have always had a high reputation for the things we do. Father, mother, Wilbur, and I each have special talents that we do in high regard. Before even having a chance to look around for a second, my mother brings me over to where the Fultons stand.

Schlatt and his sister must've already known what was to happen as if this were a normal ball they would be seen in different places. Having a strong family relationship does not mean that the two are the same in ways.

Before my mother leaves me to make her rounds of conversation, she whispers," I know you have met the Fultons before but both you and your brother need to be tied to them in strong connections. I will check on you later." Swiftly walking away towards a large group of chatting adults. 

I turn my attention back over to the Fultons, Schlatt giving me a cheesy smile as his sister rolls his eyes from his manners. " I'm so sorry about my mom, you two. She's been pushier now that I'm on my second season." Feeling guilty that the two have to put up with me for the time being as I wait for a suitor.

Schlatt chuckles ever so slightly. "There's no problem with it, miss y/n. Nothing wrong with spending time with me. One of the most handsome guys in this room." A smirk taking over his face as he talks about himself. Holding his head high, horns shining from the candlelight beside him.

His sister lets out a chuckle herself from the sentence coming out of her brother's mouth. "Oh Schlatt, you may be handsome but you know people can't tolerate having a conversation for more than ten minutes with you." Her hair was a creme color just like her ram ears. Pink hues contrasting her pale skin while having eyes the color of aquamarine gems.

Her presence was strong while her details were delicate. The feeling around her was on the whole spectrum. "I don't think I've ever fully introduced myself to you y/n. My name is Puffy. Puffy Fulton." Her name was odd but fit her perfectly.

Schlatt brought himself back to the conversation as he knew I might have some questions "You may not have seen her much last season due to her traveling abroad to study fashion for the company. In fact, what she is wearing right now is from our new collected information. " Attention going from Schlatt to Puffy's dress I see a dress based on what I guess to be Eden.

The sleeves sitting around the side of her arm as the top part was a dećolleté. The lower skirt flowed down to the floor, holding a sea of purple and white jewels decorating the amounts of fabric. emerald green, teal, and purple making up the colors that represent the place where enders came from.

"It's breathtaking, Schlatt. Has this been your project Wilburs been telling me about?" Schlatt's expertise in tailoring was beyond others in the field. He had both skill and creativity fellow tailors wish they had.

" Indeed it has," The ram stated with confidence. "Puffy and I have been working on this project now since she left and this is the first completed dress after trial and error. I plan on giving suits to Quin and Phil once I have this collection on Eden finished."

Puffy and Him made eye contact with each other, smiling in contentment with what they've achieved so far. " We plan on doing the others such as where we're from to expand. This is just the starting point from our plan." Puffy said excitedly. They were born into tailoring that seeing them love it brings warmth to my smile as I listen.

Schlatt talks more about his plans with the tailor's business and what he wants to change. While going through the different ways he wants to go about business, I feel a tap from behind me. Looking behind my shoulder I see Quinston with Philza and Wilbur behind him. "Hope we didn't miss too much." purple wisps dancing around the group from the newly brought company.

Everyone made one group as they brought back the conversation of Puffy's travels. Learning new details about the faraway lands I wish to travel to when I'm older. My eyes wander to where Philza stands next to me. He meets my gaze and rather than a smile, he gives me a signal to follow him.

I look to Quin who reassures me to go with Phil and him. We walk around the outside on the dance floor making sure not to bump into other guests. " Stay close y/n and Quin. I don't know how much time we have." Philza blankly states as we get close to the staircase. Confusion takes over me as he speaks.

What are we waiting for?

Coming to an abrupt stop, Philza moves to look at his stopwatch. " Should be entering in.."




Sound from the entrance comes after the countdown of Philza's stopwatch.

The large, gold-encrusted ball doors opened steadily as the clicks of footsteps gained more weight in each step. The red suit tailor-fitted to perfection as his elegant hair tied with a ribbon kept it out of his face. The bright yet subtle pink hair swayed back and forth effortlessly, though the hair never looked like it was out of place.

The man had a mask covering his face except for his mouth and jaw. Even with most of his features being locked away from the eyes of the people; ethereality seeped from him. He walked radiantly into the room without a doubt of being erroneous.

His aura and presence are unrivaled by every suitor I have ever laid my eyes upon. Capturing my eyes for each alluring move made by the ethereal man while holding him high regards.

With a presence like a God.

Author Notes: I have made up a schedule for putting out chapters! Starting next week, a new chapter will be coming out on Sundays of every week! Comment if you like it and thank you for reading this. Don't forget to star, follow, and add to your library if you like it. Thank you again and be safe out there!

Word count: 1251

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