Untitled Part 1

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               “Are you freaking kidding me?” Peter, aka Star Lord, which was finally beginning to catch on now that he and the other ‘guardians’ had saved the galaxy, shouted. They were back on Xandar following a lead on a man who was apparently building illegal weapons that, according to Nova Prime were powerful enough to destroy entire moons (Although Peter recalled Rocket creating one of those but really, who was keeping track?)

               He had finally pinpointed the location of one of the men and was chasing him through the streets when another one of his goons came out from around a corner, holding a rather large gun in his arms that was pointed straight at the ex-outlaw’s chest. His eyes widened as he skidded to a stop, watching helplessly as the other man kept running flashing him his middle finger as he disappeared around the corner.

               Peter couldn’t help but roll his eyes at the man’s antics, not that it was below him to do the same, in fact, he had flipped of his pursuers many times while in the Ravanger business, but now that he was the one chasing down the criminals, he saw just how childish it actually was in this type of situation.

               His attention was brought back to the second man when he heard the all too familiar click of the large gun as it was loaded and by the strange whirring sound that was now being generated, charged as well, making Peter wonder exactly what type of gun was being aimed at him. He put his arms up, letting the smaller gun in his own hands drop with a loud clang. Unfortunately, the man had no intentions of backing down, and instead rose the large weapon to his eye, aiming it directly at the now worried Peter.

               “Oh come on.” Peter whined to himself, closing his eyes and bracing himself for the impact. This was going to hurt.

               He winced as he heard the gun take fire, sending a massive blast right at… the wall to the left of him. Peter’s eyes flung open. The blast had torn a large smoldering hole in the brick wall. Peter gulped, holding a hand to his chest, just glad that it had missed him entirely. It was strange though, seeing as though the man had obviously had a locked target on him and yet the blast had missed.

               He turned back to the shooter in question, ready to chase him on the getaway, but it seemed as though somebody was already taking care of him. A very small and merciless somebody. “Rocket!” He shouted. The raccoon had the large gun already shattered on the ground and was in the process of tackling the large struggling man, which Peter thought looked hilarious with the major size difference.

               Rocket gave Peter a slight nod and smirked to which Peter rolled his eyes to. “Hey Quill, thought you could use some help.” He said snarkily. “Or did you have this under control?” he stood up and brushed his paw-like hands together, the attacker lying unconsciously on the ground behind him.

               Peter waved his friend off, picking his own Taser gun off of the ground. “Please, I had this totally under control.” He retorted, although they both knew he was lying.

               “Uh huh, sure, that whole quivering in fear thing was working real well.” Rocket murmured, walking over to the discarded weapon and pulling at a few loose wires.

               “It was! It was a distraction tactic… and I was not ‘quivering.’” Rocket only shook his head, pulling at another wire. Peter leaned over, cocking his head at the sight. Sure he had his fair share of knowledge when it came to using weapons, but when mechanics were involved it seemed that the whole team of guardians took a step back to allow Rocket his space. “What is that?” He asked, curiosity finally getting the best of him.

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