Untitled Part 4

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Rocket growled angrily, pulling on his ears to block out the noise. He opened his eyes to see nothing but the serene darkness of his bedroom, well besides the hallway light that shone through the gaping hole in the wall. Rocket couldn't remember exactly what had happened, but he was fairly certain that Groot had torn away the locked door while Rocket had been going through his second episode that day.

He was still turned towards the wall in the same position he had been in since Drax had finally left him and judging by the silence gracing the small room, Rocket could only guess that Groot had gone as well, leaving his friend to himself, clutching his head as though holding together a lump of sand that would otherwise fall apart.

He knew that there was no one else in the room with him, yet Rocket still couldn't shake the feeling he was being watched, or more accurately, studied. The raccoon absolutely hated the feeling of being stared at, and unfortunately for him, his physical appearance didn't exactly blend in with the usual crowd, meaning that he got a lot of unusual looks from bystanders.

And even though the team was more open minded than those people, he could still feel their eyes on him constantly. He knew that as a creature with fur to cover his small body, Rocket hadn't really the need to wear clothes. Hell, it wasn't like the scientists had really given him anything to wear in that blasted lab other than a collar and those godforsaken metal implants that were so graciously given to him with a lovely 'no return' policy. But the scars that marred his back and chest only drew more attention than the creature was willing to put up with, so, despite the scratchy fabric rubbing his course fur the wrong way, Rocket made sure to cover up his incisions and any other evidence of his time in that damn prison.

At least physically.

Rocket curled in on himself further as the voices of those who tortured him for so long sounded loudly in his head. They're not real. He reminded himself, gritting his sharp teeth together as a shudder ran up his spine.

He slowly brought a hand down to rub his neck as it began to itch uncomfortably, the phantom pains of the collar being yanked on so harshly coming back to him.

"Perfect." He groaned, barely hearing himself over the other voices in his head, when another sharp pain erupted in between his shoulder blades, almost making him yelp in surprise, but Rocket managed to bite his tongue before the strangled sound could make it out of his throat. The last thing he needed was another intervention with the other guardians about his 'problem.'

Well it was a problem, but it sure as hell wasn't their problem. Rocket thought numbly, wincing as the voices became suddenly louder. He couldn't understand a word they were saying, but it was sure enough to drive the raccoon insane.

He wanted to shout at the stupid voices to shut up already, but he knew that would do him little good seeing as the only ones who would end up hearing him were the other guardians, and right now, he wanted to keep under the radar with those four. Quill was already practically breathing down his back and of course Groot wasn't about to leave the matter alone but Rocket actually hadn't expected much from Drax and Gamora, which is why he was rather surprised to have woken up from his previous nightmare in none other than Drax's arms.

He hated it. All of it. Being stared at, looked down upon, being treated like some kind of little freak. Of course, he was, he knew he was, but it didn't mean he liked being treated like one. Rocket had put up with enough in his short lifetime to let a few glares from the 'higher species' get to him. But it still caused the raccoon to falter every time someone instantly defaulted to rodent or vermin when trying to address him.

The voices had quieted enough to allow Rocket to raise himself into a sitting position, running his shaking hands through his fur. He winced as the thin fabric of his shirt caught on one of his protruding implants, pulling on the sensitive skin. Cringing when a wave of memories tried to force their way upon him again. Memories of deep voices and electrocution, shouting and needles, blood, the smell of chemicals-

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