Untitled Part 10

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               "And you're sure it's them?" Dey asked. He had made contact with Nova Prime who had passed all information, as well as the forces they'd need in order to take down the lost Halfworld ship. Within twenty minutes of having received Peter's distress call, they were met by one of the larger Nova ships, docking the tattered Milano below where it could be repaired later.

Drax and Groot had been lead off to the medical hold almost instantly, both complaining and griping the whole way, or simply saying 'I am Groot' in a slightly distressed tone in the tree-man's case as he was practically dragged away from the cockpit of their own ship and on board the next. Gamora and Rogers however had stayed at Peter's side to meet with Dey.

Peter nodded, although to be honest, he wasn't sure that he was actually all too sure about it himself. The guardians had taken the last few hours to try and come up with a plan, although seeing as though their official 'plan maker' wasn't with them, they found that even coming up with twelve percent of a plan was proving difficult for the band of misfits as well as the Nova officers.

"Gamora said she was able to get a read on the make of the technology used on the ship and which sector it could have come from, and you said so yourself, it's the only uncharted ship in that part of the quadrant." He argued, shifting uneasily when Dey frown, obviously unconvinced. Peter let out a sigh of defeat, dropping his head heavily into the palms of his hands

"Listen man, I know how much of a burden this is coming from Nova, especially if we don't have an exact location on these psychopaths, but I am begging you Dey, I need your help. We can't just leave Rocket out there and if this is all we have to go on, then I'm going to have to ask you to take that chance with me." He explained, his voice wavering with worry and exhaustion from it all.

The Nova officer stared back in what could almost have been perceived as shock at Star Lord's words. "Quill, after what you did for Xandar, for the galaxy, the least we can do in repayment is to get one of the Guardian's back." He assured him, looking towards Gamora who only stared down at the table as though nothing either of the two men had said had affected her in any way.

If nothing else, at least the warrior's vast knowledge of ships and their origins had been one good thing to come from her time in alliance with Thanos. She recalled countless missions including her need to move about as one of the crowd, often times meaning that she had to steal one of the local crafts. Along with having to teach herself the internal mechanics of how to drive each of the ships, it soon became almost natural to her in identifying the makes of the ships as well.

Her eyes flickered up from where they had been staring down at the table to glance at Rogers. The man had remained quiet the entire time while on the Nova ship, simply trailing behind her and Peter as they left to meet with Corpsman Dey.

She was no less furious at the man, nor was he any less guilty of getting Rocket captured in the first place, however, the more she studied him, the more she began to sympathize with the former scientist. It had come to her attention after she had been forced to working with the man at Peter's request that Rogers really had meant no harm to their friend in the situation. Despite the fact that he was guilty of causing Rocket yet another panic attack, as well as getting captured by the Halfworld fugitives, the guilt stricken look he wore now had brought something out of he that she didn't know she would ever be able to feel with another. Compassion.

The green skinned woman had been taken by Thanos at such a young age, crying and kicking the whole way, tears streaming down her face as her dead and bloodied parents were left behind her. And he had shown her no mercy since then. Within her first week with the tyrant, the majority of Gamora's skeleton had been replaced with cybernetics, the thin metal sheets shining through her cheekbones were a constant reminder to her permanent surgeries.

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