Untitled Part 13

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"No!" The raccoon screamed, trying frantically to wrench himself from the collar that only grew tighter. Not that he would have been able to breathe anyhow with the table now only feet in front of him, the wires looking as though they would coil around him themselves.

"Please! PLEASE!" He cried, tears pouring freely now as he pulled desperately against the leash that only dragged him further. His voice was choked and strangled and his lungs burned as more air was forced from him in his fruitless attempts to speak.

His vision began to blacken as dizziness from the lack of oxygen began to take over, black dots dancing before his eyes. The coil around his throat only tightened more as he was lifted off the ground, the table before him growing closer until his limp feet touched the cold metal, his entire body falling face first onto the surface.

The collar was removed from his neck and Rocket took in a gasping breath, taking in the air greedily as his lungs filled with it once more, the numb and dizzy feeling disappearing almost instantly. Unfortunately, the feeling of unconsciousness only gave way to something much worse, fear.

He wanted to leap up and make a break for it, despite the fact that there were more people in the room for him to count, but the lack of oxygen had left him utterly weak and his arms were too weak and shaky for him to even lift himself into a crouch before a pair of strong hands pushed him down again, his head hitting the table with a sickening thud and his stomach churning with sickness.

Out of all the painful experiments the crazed Halfworld scientists had put him through, Rocket would have gone through multiple surgeries over the electrified agony he was about to be subjected to. He let out a small whimper when one of the gloved hands left his back and made to grab his shaking arms that Rocket had tucked under himself in a feeble attempt to keep from being restrained again.

The hand grasped his roughly and pulled it towards the edge of the table, jerking another whimper from the creature's throat as he stared weakly after his quivering appendage, the metal cuffs securing them to the table, assuring Rocket that he now had no chance of escape. Not that that hadn't already been clear to him.

He wasn't sure exactly how many men and women had gathered in the room, his mind was swimming with anxiety and the voices only made his head hurt more, the shapes of the bodies merging together so that all he could see were the stark white lab coats.

The pressure on his back lifted as the last restraint was cuffed around his right ankle, his knees and elbows bending ever so slightly in useless attempt in pulling himself out of the tethers.

"Gah!" The shout of surprise and pain tore itself from his throat before the raccoon had time to even process exactly what was happening. His neck ached and more blood dribbled from his torn stitches as the creature strained to turn around, trying desperately to see what the man behind was doing to him.

That was the one up side of not having anesthetics, he at least had an idea of what was being done to him.

He let out another yelp of pain when a second wire was forced into one of the implants and twisted securely into place.

He felt something brush against his shaking fingers and he clutched to it tightly, causing the scientist to pause in his movements as the raccoon grasped at his lab coat. "Please." He whispered hoarsely, his hand fighting to keep his grip on the fabric as though his life depended on it.

And quite frankly, he thought it just might as the man leaned down to look at the restrained creature, his face standing out from the blur of white that his mind had created. His hand shook harder and more tears fell from his eyes, pooling on the metal table, Rogers staring back sympathetically.

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