Untitled Part 3

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Drax let out a bored sigh as he ran the tattered rag over his knife again. He had been assigned to monitoring the ship for the night to make sure they weren't attacked of knocked of course for whatever reason and he hated it. He was tired and fairly bored to say the least.

It had only been a matter of hours, but the lack of movement about the ship was quite unnerving, especially when you're used to having to worry constantly about one of Rocket's machine's blowing up or Gamora trying to snap your arm at any moment.

He looked up from his knife to face the window of the ship, trying to find something to distract him from his boredom. He stared through the clear glass for a few moments, searching for something, anything even slightly amusing before flopping back in his seat. Nothing but empty space.

He sat there for a few minutes, thinking of his different options. He could clean his knife, look through the window, or clean his knife again. Drax shook his head and let out a heavy grunt as he stood up from his seat. A walk around the ship would do him some good, and besides, he could have used a drink right about now anyhow.

After taking one last look toward the window, making sure there really was nothing harmful in the ship's course, Drax took his leave towards the small kitchen area where he knew Quill kept his alcoholic beverages. He wasn't one for being drunk, he had remembered what had happened last time he had been intoxicated back on Knowhere, having gotten into a bar fight with both Groot and Rocket, almost getting blasted by the creature's gun had Quill not intervened in time. But he found that the foul smelling liquid did take the edge off every once and a while and at this point, he was desperately looking for something to occupy himself with.

He pushed the door of the kitchen open, careful to not step on any of the discarded weapons or plans drawn up by the animal in question. Out of all of his new found friends, Rocket himself was the most mysterious and well-guarded. Of course, the others had their secrets too, even if they were now considered friends or, dare he say it, family, not everyone was ready to pour their soul out like Drax had. His kind was unknown to the sarcasm and what Quill had called metaphors, although he was beginning to get the hang of the concept in itself, but Drax was also not one to keep his emotions to himself, believing that everyone ought to understand exactly what was happening with the large man as he did.

They all knew of his family before the guardians and exactly what had happened to them. He didn't see the point in secrets, he found them rather troublesome and they almost always got in the way one way or another.

But although the other's had their personal histories, Drax found it rather easy to piece together everyone's pasts. For instance, Peter's mobile music device was obviously given to him by someone close, and by the way he spoke of his mother, he could only guess that it had been passed down from her.

Gamora was another story. Despite the fact that she had began as his least favorite comrade, being in allegiance with his family's killer, he had actually found her rather good company at times. She had also lost her family to Thanos, but was tortured afterwards, turned into some sort of living weapon and a fairly closed off assassin. But Drax had soon come to realize that even though the green woman wasn't one to share her past, she desperately wanted to. She wanted to pour her heart and soul out, but her past conditioning by Thanos had deprived her of the ability to, leaving the poor woman with nothing but her instinct to destroy.

Groot in himself was an open book. Even though only his smaller friend had the ability to understand his speech, the humanoid was still quite easy to understand, as though the creature didn't need to speak to be heard. He was friendly to everyone despite their differences such as when he had pulled Drax from his death of drowning on Knowhere after his horrible mistake, and his loyalty was by far his best aspect. But it was obvious that despite his kind nature, Groot would stop at nothing to protect his closest companion, Rocket.

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