Untitled Part 6

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               "Perfect! Now what?" Quill shouted angrily. Rocket had yet to return from his 'walk' and the others were beginning to worry that the aggressive raccoon had somehow gotten himself in trouble... again.

               Drax frowned at peter's outburst, exchanging a look with Groot, who was standing at the opening of the ship, shuffling his large feet nervously, wanting nothing other than to get off that ship and find his friend. "Can we not simply go out and get him?" The large man asked in confusion, it seemed like the most obvious solution to their missing animal problem.

               Quill was racing about the ship now, grabbing scattered objects from different rooms such as his beloved tattered jacket and the Taser gun he carried constantly, Gamora could have sworn that he had pocketed a few of Rocket's small grenades that had been strewn about at one point too. "Well of course we can! But what good is it gonna do? Huh? None!" He grumbled, yanking his mix tape from the ship's console. "He's just gonna freakin ignore us again. Stupid raccoon."

               The others stood back, allowing peter to rant on begrudgingly about their smallest guardian, silently staying out of his way lest he turn his anger towards them. Upon slipping his tape player securely onto his buckle and wrapping the orange headphones around his neck, Peter finally opened the door of the ship, striding out with his gun in hand.

               "Come on, let's go get him. Dude's probably gotten himself in another fight." He muttered. The others stared after him incredulously, before finally following.

               Peter had taken the lead, making his way through the crowds as though he knew exactly where he was going despite the fact that none of the guardians had ever visited the planet before. Groot was in step behind him, using his height to look over the heads of the bustling people on the streets in search of his smaller friend.

               Drax and Gamora on the other hand had decided it was safest to stay a few paces back, leaving Peter to his rampant search, his gun in hand and finger already hovering over the trigger. They weren't exactly sure whether the man was actually angry at Rocket's avoidance of the group or the fact that he had most likely gotten himself into trouble, but they knew that once they did find the raccoon, nothing was going to go over well.

               They dodged down alleyways and around the crowds, following Quill as he made his way about the town, all keeping their eyes peeled for a certain furry creature. Peter's anger was quickly turning to worry as he sped through the streets.

               He had no idea what the layout of the town was, let alone where Rocket could have been at the moment, but he did know that if he at least found a pub, there would be a large chance they would find the troubled raccoon.

               He veered down yet another darkened alleyway, listening for the footsteps of the others as they followed suit. Groot was almost directly on Peter's heels his heavy feet practically shaking the ground below him as he continued running. He knew that Groot was quite possibly the most worried of the four, he couldn't remember a time where the two had been separated by choice and now the trigger-happy beast was doing who knows what on a planet in the freaking middle of nowhere completely ignoring the fact that he could quite possibly fall into another panic attack, this time without the protections of his friends.

               Peter pursed his lips at the thought of Rocket getting himself hurt in the midst of a panic attack, or worse. He shuddered, speeding up his pace. Rocket was annoying, and very, very stubborn, especially when it came to admitting his own weaknesses.

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