bitch you're on borrowed time

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hello everyone! sorry i just vanished for a couple of months, i completely forgot about this LOL. but i hope every single one of you horny mofos is doing well, enjoy :)

word count: 2.3 k

Context: Dream and George have just moved in together. As expected, they are quite touchy. (another author inspired this story, if i come across their story again, i will make sure to credit them! but as of now, i can't remember)

I opened my eyes, groaning. I hated waking up and I proudly considered sleep my favorite hobby. Rubbing my eyes, I attempted to sit up in bed, before collapsing back into the soft mattress. I sighed deeply, my nose perking up. A heavenly smell was drifting from downstairs... pancakes! I shot out of bed and ran out of the bedroom, like a child on Christmas morning. After nearly dying on my way down the stair case (performing a mixture of running down the steps and falling), I finally waddled into the kitchen. 

The pancakes were sat on the counter, fresh from the stove, sitting on a plate it all their glory. I sighed contentedly, not even bothering to sit down before grabbing a fork and beginning to eat. I was mid-chew, when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my hips. I jumped, turning around and ready to use my fork as a weapon. 

"Well shiver me timbers."

My boyfriend spoke in a low, morning voice that was followed by a wheeze. Rolling my eyes, I realized that I still hadn't gotten used to the fact that I was now living with my boyfriend, Clay, even though its already been a week.

"Guess I forgot I lived with such a huge idiot."

I smiled mischievously as I spoke, loving how this morning was playing out. I turned back around toward my pancakes. I giggled upon realizing he had made the pancakes for me, knowing that they were my favorite.

"Yes, Georgie, I'm your idiot. Only yours."

Clay spoke in that low tone again. He wrapped his arms around my waist once again. Butterflies lit up my stomach and I blushed intensely.

"Can't keep our hands to ourselves, now can we?"

I turned around in his arms, forgetting about the pancakes and beaming from ear to ear. Clay adjusted his hands, which fit perfectly on my waist. He gazed down at my lovingly, craning his neck to bump our noses together briefly. I wrapped my arms above his shoulders, wanting to be as close to him as possible. 

His hair was messy, no doubt from bedhead. He had a slight blush creeping up the sides of his face, which made his freckles and green eyes somehow more beautiful. Clay pulled me closer, our hips colliding. He was hard. I looked up at him through my eyelashes, smirking.

"Come on George. You know what happens when you look at me like that-"

Before he could finish his sentence, I pulled on the collar of his shirt, bringing him in for a heated kiss. Clay kissed back immediately, backing me up against the counter. He pushed his tongue against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I denied him, even bringing my knee up to rub against his crotch. I felt like testing Clay today, I wanted to see how far he would let me go. 

He whimpered lowly, wrapping a hand around my throat and squeezing gently. At the same time, he bit my lip. I gasped, and he shoved his tongue into my mouth. I moved my hands to the sides of his face, one slowly moving upwards to tangle itself in his hair. Clay broke our kiss, instead kissing my neck. I was fully hard now, and becoming impatient. I wanted to try something new today. He had left several bruises, and was working his way down to my collarbone.


I was panting, but I managed to grab ahold of Clays chin, forcing him to look at me. He looked absolutely stunning, I could've cum right then and there. I forced myself to stay concentrated on my goal. 

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