Untitled Part 1

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               “For the last time, we are not planting a bomb at any time during this delivery!” Gamora shouted irritably towards the raccoon who only ignored her entirely, staring down at the mechanism in his hands and furrowing his brow with concentration.

               “And why not? The bloke almost got us killed last time we made a delivery.” Rocket quipped back, eyes darting up to meet hers before making a grab for one of his many tools that had been scattered across the table they all sat around.

               Gamora let out a sigh of defeat. They had been an official ‘team’ for months now and somehow, in the minds of the civilians, that meant intergalactic delivery company. Not that the guardians minded much, they were given the chance to explore the further reaches of the galaxy and often times, adventure ensued seeing as though the lives of criminals never rest. And of course money had been a key detail for their, as Quill called it, superhero work. But it did often times feel rather degrading.

               In fact, it was because of their somewhat demeaning job status that Gamora had first agreed to this particular delivery. Not only was the planet it was directed to fairly dangerous, but by the way their client had spoken, the transaction was quite illegal and risky in itself.

               Although she did understand the raccoon’s uneasiness. They had made contact with their client before in another rather risky transaction, an infinity stone as it turned out, which had not ended well. In fact, it had caught Gamora by surprise that the Collector would try and contact them at all seeing as though their last encounter had left his collection in shambles. But who was she to turn away from such an incredible offer.

               It wasn’t four billion units of course, but the amount of money that a man who had his life’s work reduced to rubble only months ago was willing to offer, but the Collector’s payment was still more than the Guardians could have hoped for at this point.

               Despite being official employees of Nova by an extent, the Guardians had yet to be compensated for much more than the rebuilding of the Milano, and what little money they did earn of their mundane deliveries was beginning to run low.

               “I do not see why you are so adamant about keeping us from completing this mission.” She stated irritably. Rocket snorted slightly at the mention of the word ‘mission,’ knowing full well that this was simply another errand Nova had sent them on.

               “Because it’s so obviously a trap.” He stated plainly, not even bothering to meet her eyes this time as he twisted another screw into place on the piece of machinery that he was ‘repairing,’ although Gamora saw no need for any modifications to the weapon, let alone any of the other guns and bombs he insisted on tearing apart at his bench.

               “Why would you assume that?” Drax spoke up, tilting his head towards the furred creature inquisitively.

               Rocket shrugged, yanking at a wire as though it were his main interest at the moment. “Call it animal intuition.” He said. Despite the fact that Rocket would gladly tear apart anyone who dared address him as an animal, he had begun to use his enhanced differences to his advantage. “I’m telling you, something just doesn’t feel right about this ‘mission.’”

               Gamora pursed her lips and looked to Peter for support. “What do you think?” She asked, crossing her arms across her chest as their leader’s eyes widened with the sudden realization that he had just been put on the spot.

               “Uh, I hate to say this, but I actually agree with Rocket here.” He managed, rubbing the back of his neck nervously, eyes darting from the rather irritated ex-assassin.

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