Untitled Part 4

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               Gamora rolled her eyes as peter let out a pained cry (along with a string of words she would have been grateful to forget) as she pulled the needle back towards herself again, tying off the knot and using her teeth to snap the black thread. The claw marks across his arm were no deeper than Drax's matching set, but his Terran skin made an open wound much more susceptible to infection.

               She let go of the man's arm and he pulled it close to his chest, inspecting the stitches as though looking for a fault, sticking is bottom lip out in a pouting motion. "You could have at least given me a pain reliever or something before sticking a needle in me." He murmured, toying with the ends of one of the tightly done knots with an index finger.

               "Oh right, here." The woman said, tossing him a bottle of aspirin.

               Quill only hardened his glare, popping a few pills in his mouth and swallowing them down dry, cringing at the powdery taste left on his tongue. "How's Rocket doing?" He asked, rolling his shoulder back and pulling the rolled up sleeve of his red leather jacket back down. Gamora only raised an eyebrow. "What? I mean we just knocked the dude out, probably has some concussion or something now."

               "Did he not just try to kill you?" Drax questioned, looking up from where he had been cleaning his knives. They had landed the Milano after the endeavor with Rocket's surprise alter-ego attack on a nearby planet, hoping to keep the chances of becoming lost in space with a trigger happy raccoon to a minimum.

               Peter frowned. "What? No! I mean yes, but you guys didn't see what I saw." He stammered, trying his best to describe the not-Rocket Rocket.

               "Probably because our eyes were more on the gun he was pointing at your head. Rocket's anger is getting out of hand." Gamora retorted, crossing her arms over her chest.

               "What are you saying? We get him a therapy session? I don't think he's going to be much up for meditation." Peter mocked. He knew this new issue with Rocket was only getting worse the more it was pushed back, but he somehow didn't think that holding hands in a circle and talking about the stubborn Raccoon's feelings were going to fix anything.

               Gamora's expression hardened, her eyes darting downward a though she were hesitant to speak at all. "I'm saying, if Rocket doesn't get his means of destruction under control, he should no longer be allowed on board the ship."

               The room went quiet almost instantly, everyone's eyes traced on Gamora as she shifted uncomfortably under their gaze.

               "I am Groot!" The tree man stated angrily, stepping forward as a barrier between the Guardians and the hallway entrance as though expecting one of them to take off that very instant towards Rocket's quarters.

               "Wow, relax, big guy." Peter said, gesturing for the angered Flora Colossus to stand down as thorned tendrils sprang from his broad shoulders. "No one is throwing Rocket out."

               Groot visibly calmed at the remark, shrinking back in the slightest and giving Peter a grateful and trusting nod. He knew that it took a lot to separate the raccoon and tree creature, and how hard it must have been to stand in the cockpit with the three remaining Guardians while Rocket served his time under house arrest, or more room arrest seeing as though they had just rigged his door for the time being.

               "But Quill, you must admit that you sense the presence of fish in this particular situation." Drax noted. "The furred one has been acting quite strange lately, even before trying to murder you."

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