Untitled Part 11

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               "Rocket, put the gun down." Peter started, holding a hand out in a calming gesture. Although, judging on what had happened the last time the raccoon had been found with a pistol in his hands, he doubted there would be any reasoning to be done in the first place. Which is why he was prepared this round when Rocket pulled the trigger, dodging the blast by mere inches as he practically barreled full force into Groot.

"Come on bud, we've gotta go." He managed as he leapt to his feet, nearly tackling the larger being as he heard the creature behind him charging the gun again.

"I am Groot." He managed, looking desperately towards Rocket as he was pulled out of the way of another blast, the rough bark covering his body blackening as the heat singed his arm. Letting out a distressed whine, he continued back into the hallway, actually grabbing Peter's arm and lifting the man off of his own feet to wrench him from harm's way.

Finally overcoming his initial shock of being quite literally swept off of his own feet, Peter stumbled his way out of Groot's grasp, faltering for a few steps before gaining his footing again. He made the horrible mistake of turning around, hoping that Rocket had fallen into a state of at least partial control, only to almost trip over his own feet at the sight of the creature, teeth bared and guns blazing only a few steps behind them.

"Shit!" He gasped out, tugging Groot sharply around another corner, praying for dear life that they would be able to gain a few feet of ground ahead of the raging animal at their heels. "We need a plan."

Unfortunately for them, Rocket was the genius of the group. Not that the others couldn't think up a decent strategy in these kind of situations, but Rocket was the quick thinker, the risk taker, the only one who could worm his way out of practically any situation. Hell, the guy had escaped twenty-three prisons on his own within the short amount of time he had lived outside the Halfworld facility.

But seeing as though the running Peter was doing as of now was carrying the two Guardians away from Rocket's direction, he doubted that he would be willing to communicate any kind of escape plan with them. In fact, it seemed odd to Peter that Rocket was acting right now without a plan of his own, seeming to be enacting purely on instinct. Not that the gun-toting guardian wasn't at times spontaneous with his decisions, but it was almost unnerving to see him, even without any sense of his actual self, to be chasing them down like some crazed maniac without some course of action unfolding itself within his mind... unless there was one.

"Gamora, where are you?" He shouted into the communicator, hoping that the horrible signals the planet had been giving off wouldn't chose now to short out their earpieces.

"Quill!" Gamora's voice responded, static laced into the words, but understandable nonetheless. "Quill, listen to me, it's a trap, you've got to get yourselves out of there before Rocket finds you."

Peter cursed angrily under his breath, trying to keep himself focused enough on the problem at hand to keep his speed up as another blast of energy reminded him exactly why he was running in the first place. "Yeah, too late for that." He resorted, sparing a glance back at Rocket. "You didn't happen to have thought of a backup plan were Rocket to be chasing us down with a plasma blaster did you?"

He heard Gamora let out a string of curses, shouting towards who he could only guess was Drax, although the words were lost in the sea of static that filled the man's head. "Try and restrain him for now, we're on our way."

And with that the call was dropped, leaving Peer and Groot alone once again to try and think up a strategy of their own. There was always the choice of running until the raccoon tired himself out, but judging by the fact that those chances of a Terran man beating a cybernetically advanced and gun-wielding creature were very low, that idea was almost instantly put aside.

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