Untitled Part 9

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Groot hadn't moved an inch since they had entered the planet's atmospheric barrier, practically rooting himself to the floor as he stared intently out the window. The planet itself was easy enough to find, despite the fact that it was what Rocket would call backwater. It didn't differ much from the planet that they had first lost Rocket at in terms of technology and transportation.

Peter was certainly happy to find that due to this fact, they weren't about to be pulled over for passports or regulation check as they usually did in places such as Xandar with larger cites with a higher attack rate.

The only problem now was actually finding the damned facility.

Gamora had put the coordinates into the Milano's navigation system the moment Quill had taken the ship off of auto pilot. But due to the planet's lack in technological advancements, the signal had weakened immensely to the point that the guardians were forced to simply rely on the small blips from the radar that they managed to pick up as they headed in the 'general area' of the Halfworld facility.

Groot shifted slightly as Peter made to duck under the heavy clouds that had begun to take form around them as they flew above buildings and citizens alike. Groot frowned when his view was blocked by the dark mist of yet another cloud as Peter continued to lower the ship, trying to get a view from above of the facility. Not that any of them actually knew what it looked like in the first place.

"Come on!" Peter growled angrily, pounding at the flickering monitor with his fist as the navigation systems began to fail once again. "Dammit! I can't keep a signal." He declared, giving the machine one last pound before going back to gripping the controls tightly and staring begrudgingly out the window.

"What are we supposed to do without navigation?" Drax asked angrily, taking the knife he had been running a dirtied cloth over and shoving it into its sheath around his calf.

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Peter practically shouted, releasing the controls with one hand and waving it above his head furiously as though the motion would somehow prove is point. "And it's not like these rainclouds are making things any easier. For all we know with the systems glitching out on us, we could be on the wrong side of the planet entirely while Rocket's with that creep."

Groot frowned further, turning away from the clouded glass and towards where the captain was clutching the controls with a vice grip. "I am Groot." He said softly, shuffling slightly when the other three occupants of the Milano looked up towards him with slightly shocked expressions.

Groot had not said a word for the good part of the trip, leaving the others, while lost in their frantic thoughts to almost forget that the flora colossus was even still there.

Gamora, being the first to recover, made her way over to the tree man in question, joining him at the window and glancing out of the glass as though the clouds would somehow clear themselves for them. "We will find him." She assured him, holding her hands together awkwardly.

She had never been one for comfort, let alone giving it, being an assassin at the beckon call of the mad Titan Thanos himself. And Groot was aware of that. Which was why it meant that much more coming from the woman as she stared blankly out the window, standing just close enough to the tree so that the skin of her arm barely brushed against his rough bark.

Groot only smiled halfheartedly back at her, joining her in trying to will away the dark cloud cover again.

"Oh my- I'm getting something!" Peter practically shouted, pointing frantically towards the monitor, the blip that represented their destination reappearing on the screen. "We're close guys, I'm going to try heading lower." He declared, aiming the Milano downward, biting his lower lip, just praying that he wouldn't hit a building on the way. "Hang in here buddy."

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