Untitled Part 6

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               Peter frowned, leaning closer to the screen that hung in the cockpit, tapping the glass impatiently upon the icon under Rocket's name, trying once again to connect with the raccoon's comm. The screen turned blue and the faint sound of a mechanical ringing sounded as the call began pending, the persistent ringing causing the man's shoulders to hunch as he let out a defeated sigh and rubbed his hands over his face.

                It wasn't until Gamora made her way over to Peter's side and switched the thing off that the man looked up again, scowling at the woman as she crossed her arms across her chest. "Rocket hasn't answered in over two hours." She said through gritted teeth, gripping the screen and pulling it out of Peter's reach just as he was about to make the call for the ump-teenth time that day. "We are getting no closer to finding him by simply calling his Comm consistently."

               Peter pursed his lips, letting out another sigh and leaning back in his chair, allowing his head to drop back. "Well then what do you suggest we do?" He asked irritably glancing at Gamora out of the corner of his eye.

               The sound of the airlock opening made Peter's eyes shoot open as he whirled around in his seat to watch two forms board the Milano, both wearing saddened expressions. "Anything?" He asked hopefully, only slumping lower in is creaky chair when Drax shook his head stiffly, gripping the ever-present dagger tightly in his clenched fist.

               "There were citizens who had spotted the furred one earlier in this day, but we have lost all leads on where he could have gone within that time." He answered, placing his hands on the table and craning his neck as though it were in pain.

               Groot only shuffled in behind the tattooed man, staring solemnly at the floor and glancing behind him at the door as though expecting Rocket to enter behind him.

               Peter groaned angrily, pushing himself from his seat and grabbing his trademark leather jacket, shoving his arms through the sleeves as he stormed past the other occupants of the room.

"And where are you going?" Gamora asked, grabbing the man by the shoulder and placing herself in his path, only gripping his collar tighter when he tried to pull away.

"I can't just sit here anymore Gamora." He sneered. "There's something wrong with him, we can't just leave him out there, he could get himself killed."

"Rocket can take care of himself Peter. We have yet to find him because Rocket doesn't want to be found, for all we know, he could have found himself another ship and left the planet already." She countered, furrowing her brow sternly and letting out an exasperated sigh when Peter only pulled away from her touch, pointing at her accusingly.

"Then what are we supposed to do Gamora, huh? You were the one who wanted to throw him off of the ship in the first place, so why would you care?" He argued, only to find himself facing the true fury of an ex assassin. Although the murderous gleam in her eye told him that the 'ex' may be no longer part of her title.

"Do not speak of me like that. You know I did not want him gone. Rocket is a vital part of our team. My words were only precautionary. In case-"

"In case you decided he had become too much of a liability."

"I care for our team just as much as you Peter Quill, and you know I was only thinking what was best for all of us. I know now that my judgment was clouded by the fear that we were dealing with a traitor, I know now that I was wrong to believe that and we will find Rocket." She managed through gritted teeth. "But we will not find him by running blindly through the streets and running the sound of our communicator's ringing like it was a song on your damned mix tape!"

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