Twenty-Eighth Night: Overcoming Evil with Jesus

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"And the Lord said, "Simon, Simon! Indeed, Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren."
- Luke 22:31‭-‬32



In our walk in faith, we will always have those moments of trials like Job, Apostle Paul and Apostle Peter.

In Luke 22:31-32, the Lord Jesus Christ told Simon Peter that Satan has always desired his disciple. Since Jesus is God and God is All-knowing, He knew that the devil wanted to sift Peter.

To sift is to shake, to agitate one's faith. Just like how he desired to shake Job's faith!

You see, Simon Peter showed his faith and desire to know and be with Jesus Christ. He is the most outspoken among the Lord's disciples - impulsive but determined. And the devil hates such adoration and worship to the One True God. He desired to agitate Peter, to lose that faith he has. He wanted to shake Peter's resolve to follow Jesus Christ.

Satan is a powerful foe in the spiritual realm. Jesus calls him ruler of this world (John 16:11). Paul calls him god of this age (2Corinthians 4:4) and the ruler of the authority of the air (Ephesians 2:2). He blinds the minds of unbelievers (2Cor. 4:4) and holds them in his snare until God releases them through the gospel (2Tim. 2:25, 26). He can take life, as with Job's children; ruin health, as with Job's body; torment with demons (Luke 11:8); provoke evil deeds (Luke 22:3); and cause natural disasters (Job 1:19).

To know that Satan has this kind of power in this world gives a serious red light to us, Christians, in which the unbelievers don't have. However, Christians should not be paranoid or fearful but become sober and vigilant, fervently praying and be conscious of needing God's power. As John Piper said, "When the enemy is supernatural, so must the weapons be." We cannot deny the reality of Satan's power because even God implied he is real.

But this power is by permission of God. In the story of Job, Satan couldn't have touched Job if God didn't allow it. And God allowed it to show Satan that Job is faithful.

And while Satan was wreaking havoc, trying to pluck the children of God out of His arms, Jesus was not just standing in the sidelines to watch them suffer through all of it.

He prayed for Simon Peter's faith, that it should not fail. Jesus knew Peter will deny him three times in the future, as He predicted in the succeeding verse (Luke 22:34). But He also knew it is a momentary weakness, a brief fluctuation of confidence, and that Peter will repent and turn back to Him. And so, Jesus Christ commanded him, "when you have returned to Me, encourage your brothers."

There will be moments like this; overcoming evil situations with your faith being threatened. There will come a time when Satan will aim to sift you, shake you until you are thoroughly tormented, hopeless, weak and utterly desperate that you would let go of your faith and fall into the pit as Satan's company, as faithless people. But remember this: Faith cannot fall through the pit of where Satan is. So as long as you hold on to that faith, trusting in the power and Sovereignty of God, you will not fall down and be completely destroyed.

And when your faith is restored, when your confidence comes back up, encourage your fellow Christians. Encourage them, strengthen them, carry your burdens together. Just like what Jesus wanted Simon Peter to do.

Overcome evil with Jesus.



Dear God, protect me, O Lord, from my adversaries. May You find me faithful even in times of trials. May I become steadfast in my faith and return to You in spite of my brief weakness. Lord, I trust in Your grace and mercy. I hope in You 'til the day that I am finally in your presence. In Christ Name, Amen.

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