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Jung Kook


Bye...., "Lisa said"
Before stepping out from the car Lisa kissed my cheek
I chuckled

My phone beeps


Ah..... Jung kook.....

Who, is it? Tae...  Wait what's wrong and where are you?

You want your brother back find him yourself, "A voice said"

Hello.... Shit hello no..., "I growled"
Dad you didn't did it good, "I drove my car and reached at the mansion"



Look who is back, "Jennie said"

So.... How was your day, "I asked"

Lisa, Lisa, Lisa....., "Jennie spinned me around"

Yes yes yes.... What is it?, why you so happy? And more over you are blushing..
"I asked"

You won't believe but I and Tae hyung.....
"She said"

Ya you and Tae hyung what?, "I asked"

We did..., "She said"

Ya okay but what, "I asked whlie gulpjng down the water till the realisation hit me"

I scoffed.... What wait... You both did....
You both had a night you mean you..... Omg omg Jennie.... My head is spinning how and omg...., "I said "

Relax I will tell you all but before tell me where were you?, "She asked"

Ahm... Promise me you won't get angry?, "I said"

Okay, I promise, "She said"

I went to a club last night and .... and I got drunk a lot, so I don't know but I ended up in Jung kook bed, in a normal situation nothing like that happened......, "I said everything in one go"

You....,Lisa it's not...., "Jennie said"

I know you are worried for me but believe me I am fine and I am sorry, "I said"

And we both hugged each other and then she told me everything that happened.


I went inside the mansion, my anger was at its peak, I stormed inside the room and yelled, Dad....

Welcome back son, "Mr Jeon said"

Drop this act right now and tell me where the f**k is Tae hyung.... Where is he?, "I yelled"

Relax son... Want to have some Bourbon?, "Mr.Jeon asked calmly"

Are you serious right now, you just, took away your own son and now you are asking me to have a drink with you, "I asked"

Ah... Ah... Correction to be done, Tae hyung is not my son, it's your mom's and you are my son....., "he said"

Dosen't matter, tell me where he is? Why you doing this? We both doing whatever you want us to be?, "I asked"

I told you there are some pages from the past, some wounds which have now got freshen up, the pages from the past will reveal when it will be the time, "he said"

Huh.... Oh God please stop your these melodramatic lines, they won't work in front of me, tell me where he is?, "I pleaded"

Fine.... 238,at kellen street, there is a small cottage and he is tied up in there, but before you go there just remember that there is danger, "He said"

I shook my head and went for Tae hyung.

Buried Secrets: A Mafia Love Story (Volume 2; Completed✅) Where stories live. Discover now