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As I went there, there was utter silence, no vehicles and not even a bird was chirping
I went inside, Tae hyung, I called out for his name and there he was sitting all tied up
Tae.... It's okay I  am here, I ran towards him and started opening the ropes.

You shouldn't be here,  Jung kook, Mr. Jeon had fooled us, "Tae hyung said"

Shhh.... Nothing will happened, "I assured him"

But before I could take any other action, I can feel the metal being placed on my head, Do not move, "A voice said"

Huh.... You gotta be kidding me right now, dad made you a distraction for me....., "I realised"

Stand, "the voice said"

I did as I was told to....

Don't be oversmart, not infront of us, "the person said"

I see the opportunity and hold a knife in my hand, I stabbed in the leg of the man who was holding me, Tae hyung run, I yelled but he was too faint that he was unable to get up, but I managed to hold him up, I stabbed the knife in others arm and run for my life, somehow we both reached the car, the shooting voices were echoing but I drived as much fast as I could.

Tae.... Open your eyes please.... Please....

Jennie, jennie I am sorry, I really love you, "Tae hyung was murmuring all these words"

I took him to hospital and called for Jennie...

In next few hours Jennie and Lisa both came

How is he?, "Jennie asked"

Don't know still asleep, "I said"

I can... Go in, "Jennie asked"

Yeah sure...., "I said and give her space to go inside"

Lisa and I stayed out

We walked outside the hospital and I sat on a bench in the park, burying my head in my hands, Lisa put her hand on my back and rubbed it to comfort me, He will be fine...., "she assured"

I was in tears and so I suddenly hugged her, don't leave me Lisa...., "I said"

She hummed

Night falls and Tae hyung was still asleep

I will come again tomorrow, "Jennie said and left"

Lisa hugged me and started walking but I grabbed her hand and kissed her.... I love you Lalisa, "I told her"

She just watched me in shock, she hurriedly walked out from the hospital

Damn it...., "I said"

Tae hyung get in conscious and we then discussed about the events that happened with us in last two days

So.... What we gonna do when they will know that we are the Mafias?, "Tae hyung asked"

Seriously I don't know, "I said"

For the one time in my life I got a happiness and that too I can't live just because of this stupid family business, "Tae hyung yelled"

Same here brother.... After graduation we will be leaving the town, without saying a goodbye...., "I said and left the room"

Buried Secrets: A Mafia Love Story (Volume 2; Completed✅) Where stories live. Discover now