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Tae hyung

So where we are going now?, "I asked"

I don't know maybe New York, "Jung kook said"

I chuckled

I love her...., "I said"

Yeah.... Me too, "Jung kook said"

GOOD BYE......

10 MONTHS LATER  (4 years ago)

Shh.... Baby.... Mom is here don't cry, Mommy loves you

Don't you think that Jung kook have a right to know that he is having a daughter, "Jennie said"

No... I can raise my own daughter and her name is jasmine..... Jasmine Manoban, "I said and my baby give her sweet smile, she is 1 month old"


She never replied back, hmm....

I want to see my child, "Jung kook said"

I don't know if Lisa even gave birth or not , huh Jung kook sighed

I tried to call her but she never picked it up, I guess we messed up a lot brother, Jung kook said"

Hmm... Sure we did, "Tae hyung said"


Daddy...., My little girl came and hugged me

Hey... Sweet heart, I kissed her nose, let's go to mommy I haven't met her from so many days please...., "She said"

Sure my love, don't forget to take some red roses with you, you know she loved it a lot, "Jennie said from behind"

We then went to meet Lisa

Hey babe.... Here is your little princess, she misses you a lot and even I do.....

Mommy...... "Jasmine said"


Jung kook

My phone buzzes

Who is it?

Jung kook....., "a voice came"

Lalisa...., "who is it? Where are you baby?
"I asked"

If you want her to be fine then don't get oversmart, "A voice said and cutted down the phone"

What? Tae hyung, we need to go someone kidnapped Lisa....

Call Jennie right now.....


Hello.... After a long time I heard her voice

Lisa is missing.... We need you....


You called me to come all the way to New York, how you can be so sure that Lisa must be here?

I have tried to track down, and it gives me the clear view that Lisa is somewhere here only, "Jung kook said"

Do you...., "Before jun kook could say any further"

Yep... I know what you wanna ask and the answer is yes... You have a daughter and her name is Jasmine.... Jasmine Manoban, "I said"  She is 1month old now, "I show him her pic"

He smiled......and I can see the tears in his eyes

Life don't give second chance to everyone Jung kook, but you are lucky to have it, please this time don't let it go, make Lisa yours, "I said" and stared at me till his phone ring break down the silence

Hello...., "Jung kook picked the phone and went out"

Ahmm.... Tae hyung cleared his throat, I...
Before he could say anything
I placed my lips on his and we both melt for a kiss....

You both can do this later, let's get Lisa first, come on let's go, "Jung kook said"

And we both chuckled and then followed him.

Buried Secrets: A Mafia Love Story (Volume 2; Completed✅) Where stories live. Discover now