Chapter Two

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"Hey Alan, how was school?" My mum asked when I walked in the door. I only caught the last part, because I still had my music loud from walking home, but it was the same question daily so I understood.

"Fine, we got a new seating arrangement though..." I trailed off and walked over to the fridge, opening it and staring in before closing it again and grabbing an apple off the counter. I walked to my room, nothing more said to my mum, and laid down on my bed, pulling my laptop on to my knees. I opened it and checked the usual, Twitter, Facebook, etc. to see nothing, as expected. I picked up my phone, unlocking it. I checked my calendar, seeing what time my dad was coming home. I always had it in there, so that I could be prepared... I stared at my phone, wondering why I even had it. It's not like I even texted anybody on it. Only reason I had it was my mum felt guilty for what my dad puts us through... which is honestly why I have a lot of things. Which my dad doesn't notice most the time, probably a good thing. I decided I felt like reading, so I walked over to my bookshelf, grazing through the titles for something that interests me. I let out a sigh, nothing interesting. I walked out of my room, to find my mum working at something at the kitchen table.

"Hey mum, do I have time to get a book from the library?" She knew what I meant by 'have time', because around here kids really didn't have curfews enforced or anything like that. She paused for a second, taking a look at the oven clock, then turning back to me with a smile.

"Yeah sure, just hurry back! You know how your father gets..." I nodded, swinging my bag over my shoulders and heading out the door. If things weren't done exactly how my father wanted... well I'll just say I've had a few bruises and broken bones to explain at school because of him. I knew if I told anyone, he'd kill me and my mother though... at least that's what he told us. And I couldn't risk that, knowing how my father was already...


I walked over to the fantasy section of the library, unsure of what it was exactly I was looking for. I browsed the shelves, not paying attention to where I was walking, and bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Austin, the same one from my class, standing above me. We made eye contact and I blushed, quickly turning away in hopes he wouldn't notice.

"Sorry man..." I mumbled, walking away, not sure where to because I hadn't gotten a book yet. I decided I'd just go home and read something I already had, even though none of them were really that interesting, because I'd read them a thousand times over.

"Hey man," I heard a voice call from behind me. I assumed it wasn't directed towards me, so just ignored it. "Alan." I froze, then turned around to face Austin. He was holding a book in his hands, a bookmark sticking out about halfway through. I looked at the title of the book he was reading and smiled.

"Good book," He let out a grin.

"Yeah, read it a few times before." We just kind of stood there awkwardly, before I walked over to the bookshelf.

"Any recommendations?" Austin walked up behind me, and reached around me, pulling out a book and handing it to me. I smiled at him, then walked over and plopped myself on one of the beanbag chairs. I looked up at him, and he waved, heading out of the library. I flipped the book over to read the back, then thought, may as well. I cracked it open, reading through two chapters before I realized what I had done. I stopped to stretch, then froze when I caught a glimpse of the clock. I quickly stod up, grabbing my bag and carrying my book over to the librarian, who checked it out for me. I thanked her, then bolted out the door. My dad would be home any minute now, and he expected me home.

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