Chapter Seven

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“C’mon! Please tell us where we’re going?” Austin begged his mom the morning we were going to leave for vacation.

“You really want to know, boys?” She said with a smug smile. We nodded, but our begging didn’t yield anything. “We’ll tell you in a bit.” She said with a laugh when we both collapsed back on the couch in perfect sync.

“What time’s the flight?” Austin asked.

“In about an hour, so we should leave soon.” She said. “Get your stuff, we’re going to Disney!”
“WHAT OH MY GOD WAIT WHAT?!” Austin screamed when his mom hugged him. She was laughing, so was Austin, and I realized they have the same smile.

“Well someone’s excited!” His dad laughed.

“OF COURSE I AM IT’S DISNEY HOW COULD I NOT BE EXCITED!” Austin said, still yelling, and hugging me too.


“Hey, Austin, wake up.” I said, poking his side a couple times when we finally landed. He’d been asleep on my shoulder for a majority of the plane ride, but I didn’t mind. He was cute when he was asleep. “We’re in Florida.” I said when he finally opened his eyes.

“D’I sleep the whole time?” He asked, stretching a little and playfully hitting me in the face.
“Mostly yeah,” I said with a big goofy smile. “You’re really cute when you’re asleep.”

“Yeah, well you’re really cute all the time, so it evens out.” We heard a couple whispers of ‘such a shame’ and ‘fags’ from behind us but we didn’t care. Once we got into the park later that night, Austin turned into a five year old. It was adorable. He barely even heard it when his mom yelled to remember that the park closes at 10 through her own laughter. “Remember, not too many rides!” His dad also yelled, but neither of us were listening.

“C’mon, let’s go!” Austin yelled at me every now and then. I could tell that some of my cuts had split as we were running through the park, my thighs were burning, but I didn’t care. He gave me piggy back rides, so that made it worth it. We'd visited just about every character, gone in every shop and store and gone on every ride Austin could handle by 10, and we'd gotten into the park at 7. It was funny actually, how excited Austin was to be there. He and I got a few weird looks and even a few names thrown in our direction, but those sassy-ass princesses stood up for us whenever they could.

“I have to say, our attire is quite fitting of Disney World.” I said to Austin when he was carrying me out of the park at around 9:45.

“Yeah, it’s funny seeing you walking around in your all black and your TOMS amongst the seven year olds in princess costumes.” He said with a giggle and that stupid little smile that I could never say no to.
“Says the 6 foot kid wearing a Slipknot tank!” I countered through my own giggles.

“Um, 5 foot 11 inches thanks very much!” He said after he pecked me. The little kiss got me to thinking: were we together? I honestly wouldn’t mind if we were, I’d actually prefer it over being single. But then he’d start to ask questions about my life, more than he’d already asked.

Most of the week continued similarly, us going off on our own and finding things we could do together around the parks. One day, when he was freaking out because he'd found yet another Belle, she asked him "Is he your Prince Charming?" and pointed at me. He tightened the arm around my waist and smiled at me like an idiot.

"I guess you could say that." She laughed.

“Well, we’d be lucky to have a pair of handsome princes like you in our kingdom.” Snow White, who was standing next to Belle said.

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