Face the truth

466 21 14

You keep standing your ground, most of the crowd taking a step back. They had silenced, the growling noise of the skulls at either side of you being all you could hear. You turn, making sure the blasters had you covered, grabbing Sans' hand through his self made cage and making sure he could stand on his feet.
" You ok? " Sans nodded but the growling sounds suddenly increase, causing the skeleton to look past you and for yourself to turn around. A human had stepped forward and tried to approach you while your back was turned, presumably to attack you. You smile smugly, knowing deep down that without knowing what power you had nobody would be foolish enough to touch you or Sans. This still didn't stop what small sliver of fear that laid deep down coming to the surface, the fear of not knowing yourself what you could do. Fear was no longer aimed at the crowd but at yourself. Hopefully you could get Sans away soon, maybe you could talk about this in private later? You hoped so, waiting for the human to step back before pulling the skeleton up and out of his boney prison. Sans just keeps smiling, despite his various cuts and bruises. You could tell he was in pain, putting on a brave face for you. He knew much more then you were monsters still stood in society and any sign of weakness could still prove fatal for them. There was one difference though. Sans now had you fighting in his corner. Keeping his brother in the dark had meant fighting alone all this time.
No more.
" I owe ya one " Your once smug smile became sweet, gripping Sans' hands in your own tightly. The cold bone no longer bothered you, nor his slender fingers. This was so much more then a skeleton. He could feel. He had a life and above all he could love.
You watch Sans' sockets widen as you lower yourself down to his level.
" Uh.. shouldn't we go? "
" Not yet. One last thing. You said you owed me " You didn't care about the crowd anymore. They had to see this. They had to see that even a monster could love. That they were just like you. You close your eyes, laying a gentle and loving kiss upon Sans' boney mouth. You hear the crowd gasp almost in unison, trying to piece together this deed which they still considered a sin.
" D..did she..." You open your eyes, pulling away from the monster you loved above all.
" Now it's time to go " Scooping Sans' up in your arms, you begin to walk away from the once dangerous carnage, the blasters following just a little ways behind for cover. Your eye no longer felt hot, the flame now died down.
" We may not be able to get to you today freak but she won't be around you forever " You turn back to the crowd, smiling sweetly at them in a almost mocking fashion.
" Watch me " You gaze down at Sans as you walk the short trek back to the house, not a word spoken. You did hear the skeleton nestled in your arms sigh contently at one point, the light fading in his sockets as he fell into a deep slumber. Rest was needed for recovery.
By the time you reached the house the blasters had disbanded, sensing how at peace you were. So not only did you and Sans share each other's very soul but you now shared his power. You didn't care if the world no longer considered you human, the smile on your face at that very moment proof enough of your happiness and they had no right to take that away from you and if you had anything to do with it they would never be able to.

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