What We Lost

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You watch Sans as he slept on the couch, holding his bony hand tightly in a somewhat gentle grip. He looked so exhausted, the blood dripping from his skull having finally dried up and his bruises looking more pronounced. Despite it all he still smiled, even in his slumber. Your heart felt much better now, knowing that Sans was safe and was able to rest. He looked so  helpless, a far cry from the monster that saved you. Not that you minded that because now you knew you could fight together. You smile for a brief second before wincing, having hurt yourself fighting to get to the skeleton that lay before you. As Papyrus wrapped your arm up you could see the deep found sorrow in his sockets, knowing you and his brother were hurt yet there was a sense of relief in his tone of voice when he spoke, like he was glad it was over.
For now.
" Thank you for brining Sans home (Y/N) " You nod, hardly taking your gaze from the smaller skeleton, feeling your soul thump harder with worry from fear that even now Sans may not make it.
When you entered the house, shushing the tall skeleton to give Sans his rest and thus setting him down on the couch Papyrus told you about his brother's low pain tolerance and how Sans had once described it as
' One hit and my bones would be truly rattled '
You hoped that wasn't the case, that somehow he could still pull through. The kiss you shared outside was not just a symbol of love but a desperate attempt to give Sans the strength to survive. You hoped it was enough, a sly tear making its way down your face.
" There is need to be sad now! We got my brother back! This is surly a victory " You couldn't help but smile at the optimism. It was hard to stay completely sad with Papyrus around, feeling a small light build in your chest whenever he spoke in his innocent yet naive way. You still couldn't speak though, feeling every word get stuck in your throat. The once vocal person from a few minutes ago was gone, leaving an empty and silent shell it it's wake. You grip tighter onto Sans, hearing him grumble in his sleep probably due to the pain he was in. Your soul was about to overspill with compassion, almost like a tap. You couldn't keep it all held in. All these feelings were flooding forth, spilling out of your fingertips in a cloud of (F/C) smoke, covering the short skeleton from head to toe in it's misty walls. It wrapped around him like a blanket, showing even as he slept how much Sans meant to you. You lean down, muttering but a few short words comfortingly.
" Pull through. We have so much left in this world "
Papyrus watched on, his mouth agape in surprise as you and his brother bonded on an even deeper level then they ever had, a way only soulmates could. Tears fall on Sans' bare ribcage as you cry silently before being shaken suddenly from your state of mind.
" I never thought I would see a human like family " Your eyes grow wide, the tears cold against your eyes.
" Papyrus...."
" I'm glad we met you though! If we didn't then Sans may have been...but he didn't! All because of you! Your as much family as he is " Without warning you quickly embrace the taller skeleton, pulling him into a tight hug as the sobs became much more auidable and you began stuttering as  you spoke.
" I..I know I haven't mentioned my f..family much but truth be t..told I see you both as my family too. I l..lost my family when I was but a..a child but now because of you b..both..I finally feel like I'm a p...part of one. Thank you" You feel Papyrus pat your back softly muttering a soft nyeh under his breath.
Things finally seemed right again.

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