Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So this is my first fanfic so please bear with me! I hope you enjoy it and I'm open to suggestions you have for my next chapters! Please leave votes and comments! I would love to read them! Anyway onto the story!


I sliced my sword through the demon's neck. I watched it fall to the ground and disappear into a pile of smoke. I sheathed my sword and finally let myself breathe. I had been doing this for hours and I was exhausted. I looked at my surroundings. This time I had been sent to a tiny village set on a mountain. Demons had been eating their people for months now, but I was able to stop them. It wasn't particularly hard, it was just tiring. There were so many of them and they had just kept coming. I hadn't slept in days.

I was about to sit down for a second when I spotted my crow. It flew towards me and when it reached me I held my arm out and let it perch there. Its glassy eyes stared at me for a second before it started to speak.

"Follow me please."

That was all it said before it started to fly down the mountain. I started to follow, my muscles screaming at me to stop but I ignored them. As I continued, I passed the village. Families were all outside huddled together. When they saw me they ran up to me and hugged me, saying thank you over and over again. I saw many people with tears pouring down their faces and I could feel some start to form in my eyes too.

After a while, I told them that I had to leave. I looked up to see my crow flying in circles above our heads. I smiled and waved to the people and started to follow it again. After about an hour I finally made it down the mountain. We continued on a path. On either side of me, there was wheat. They were in neat rows about 10 in each section. In the distance, I could see a family picking and bundling up the wheat. Two kids were running around, playing together. I smiled longingly and then looked away.

I shouldn't be thinking about that. I had to focus on my job. I shook my head, trying to get the thoughts out. I looked up to make sure my crow was still there. It was. Although it was very hard to see. The sun was going down, the sky was now a darkish blue-purple color. It lowered down a little, getting closer to me so I was able to see it more clearly. I smiled. I put my hand up and very gently stroked it. Its feathers were very nice and silky. Even if it did move down only so I could see it, I liked to think it could tell I was lonely and needed someone close to me.

"Thank you for being here with me. Even if you are a bird." I chuckled a little, thinking I was a little crazy to be talking to a bird. Maybe I was more lonely than I thought. I continued walking on the path for a while until we came upon a little patch of forest. As I entered, I paused, the hair on my neck going up. Something felt wrong. There was a dark aura coming from somewhere close by. I looked all over, trying to pinpoint where it was coming from.

"Well well. Hello there girly."

I whipped my head to the side and saw a demon perched on a tree branch. It had 4 eyes, every one a glowing green. It had flowing black hair that went past its feet. Its shirt and pants were in tatters. It looked like the shirt was barely even staying on. Its pale skin looked like it was glowing in the dark. I drew out my sword, its bright red color shining in the moonlight. I looked up at the demon, trying to determine whether it was a real threat or not. The way it held itself seemed confident, but I couldn't tell how many humans it had eaten. Maybe 10. It jumped off the tree and landed on all fours.

"Hehehe, look at this delicious meal. I haven't eaten in a while and here you come. It must be destiny."

I shivered in disgust. These things were truly awful. I glared at it pointing my sword at it.

"You must be mistaken. Destiny may have brought us together but it wasn't so you could eat me. It was so I could get rid of something as loathsome as you. So if we could get this started and done with I would really appreciate it. I have somewhere to be and I would like to sleep."

Its eyes widened in rage. Apparently, it had never been talked to like this. But I didn't care about such an arrogant creature. It growled and ran at me. Ha, this was gonna be easy, I thought. Flame breathing, first form: Unknowing Fire!

I charged toward it, fire following me in my wake. I saw its eyes widen again, but this time they were full of fear. I smirked. "Bye bye." I slashed my sword, cutting off its head in one swift movement. It fell to the ground with a thump, its body close behind. I stumbled catching myself on a tree before I could fall. I was breathing heavily and sweat was falling down my face. I closed my eyes and tried to calm down my breathing. When I thought I was able to walk decently enough, I stood up straight and looked for my crow. I found it resting on a branch high up. I nodded to it to let it know that I was ready to go.

It started flying again and I started to walk, the tree branches crunching under my feet. I walked for about 20 minutes until we reached another farm. This one was a rice farm. I loved rice. It was probably my favorite food. I had always loved it when my mom made rice balls. She would always shape them into hearts, she said it was one of the many ways she showed her love for us. I smiled at the memory. Suddenly I heard shouting. I looked forward and saw three boys.

One was shirtless and wearing a boar head. From this distance, I could see how ripped he was. I stared for a few more minutes until I moved to the next boy. He had yellow hair with orange on the tips. He was wearing a haori(these are the jackets that they wear, I looked up the name and this is what it said) that matched his hair but it also included little white triangles scattered all over. I could see underneath that he was wearing a Demon Slayer uniform. The last boy had red-hued black hair. He was wearing a black and green checkered haori. I could see that he was also wearing a Demon Slayer uniform.

As I walked closer I could tell that the yellow one was crying. Boar Head looked like he was angry and he was yelling a lot, it was quite annoying. The green one looked like he was trying to calm Yellow down. "-ut it was scary! I thought I was gonna die! That kid saved me! If he hadn't been there that demon would've eaten me! Waaaaahhh!" "Zenitsu, you gotta calm down. It's all over. You don't need to cry about it!" "Shut up! You are so annoying! What kind of Demon Slayer are you to be afraid of everything?! It's pathetic!" "Hey! Don't be so mean! It was scaryyyy!"

I could feel their auras coming off them in waves. These boys were all powerful. I felt a fourth aura but I didn't see anyone else. This one was different, it didn't feel human. I was only about 8 feet behind them now. Their auras kept getting stronger and in my weakened state I couldn't stand the pressure they let off. I could feel myself falling. My vision went completely black, but before all the light disappeared I saw maroon eyes staring into mine and a pair of arms around me.

(1332 words)

Thank you for reading my first chapter in An Unexpected Change! I'll try to post a chapter every couple of days.

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