Bonus: Chapter 17 (5k Reads)

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We hit 5k!!!!

I repeat, School of the Crown Assassins hit 5k!!!

We also hit 1k in the second book with only 15 chapters out! Like, what?! How?! You guys are amazing.

I couldn't have done it without you guys, the people who are always commenting, voting, and recommending this story to others. I love you all!

To celebrate, I decided to post a bonus chapter.

This was a chapter between the current chapters 16 and 17 which I decided to remove during editing. In chapter 16, they just received their mission to investigate assassin children murders in Los Demonios (current day LA). In the chapter after that, they have already reached the diablo's house, but there was originally a chapter between it.

Not too much happens, but I thought you would enjoy the character interactions and blast back to Indigo's childhood.

Also, there were a few references to the greater things at play, and, if you just finished the first book or are one of the second book readers, you might be able to better spot and understand them.

So let's see if you can catch & deduct them!

PS: I didn't bother editing it too much since I literally just deleted the entire chapter from Wattpad, so apologies beforehand for any errors.

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We had journeyed into the city in a car instead of a pod to better blend in with the local Streeters. Winding through the mountains to the city below it had already taken about an hour and a half, making us reach the city at around mid-evening. The others didn't seem to be bothered by how late in the day it was, so perhaps they already had plans of what would happen if we had to stay the night.

As soon as I stepped out of the car the blinding LD sun assaulted me, but my eyes adjusted after a few seconds. Nydia squinted from bright light though she continued as normal. The Heirs barely even acknowledged the sunlight. Only Axe seemed uncomfortable enough to squirm and only then did I notice how pale his skin was. Perhaps he was from the more northern states.

Looking around at the buildings, I was seven years old again, skipping along the sidewalk for the first time with my hand in my father's, pointing at all the tiniest things, and eating Streeter food from the stands with wide-eyes. It was so sweet and oily that I was surprised I managed to keep it down my throat, but I had still enjoyed it for some inexplicable reason. The smell of gasoline was foreign to me, but as it wafted around in the air, I couldn't help but hold my nose high, trying to sniff more. At least until the thick stench of excrement struck.

It was the first of many visits to Los Demonios, one that my father and I had made in secret when my mother went on a vacation to visit a few friends in the south-eastern peninsula. However, she had returned earlier and found out, but she wasn't as mad as we thought she would be. In fact, her only complaint was that we hadn't taken her with us. Perhaps she didn't think Streeters were as dangerous as any of the Assassins at Cressida or other events, and whatever Lower Court Assassins there were didn't pose any harm.

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