End of Book 1 + Edited + Book 2

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School of the Crown Assassins is over!

Thank you to everyone who read this book and stuck around to the end. Hope you enjoyed it!

Also a big thank you to everyone who voted, added the book to their reading lists, and commented! You guys make me laugh and cry (in a good way) at the same time. I can't wait to keep interacting with all of you in the future!

And a special thank you to @loonyluna_11 and @-itnisikhushi- and _LibraChild_ for giving adding me to the Indian Legion Community's October Recommendation! You guys are the best!

And, another thank you to picklejuice100 for writing an amazing review on A Writer's Anaskopisi ~ A Review Shop by the MerakiWriters community. Your review was accurate and helpful and you clearly put a lot of time and thought into it, so thank you!

But, seriously, you guys are what motivates me to keep writing. Love you all!

Next announcement, THE SECOND BOOK!!!

PS: If you came here because you've been tagged and didn't finish, don't journey forward. Serious spoilers ahead.

If you guys don't already know, this series is a trilogy because the plot is too complex and long for me to fit in one or two books. Trust me, book one is just the beginning of the overarching plot. What is that plot? You'll just have to read book two to find out.

There are some differences between book 1 and 2. For example, book 1 was largely just Indigo's perspective. Book 2 will include the Crown and Royal family (Arielle, Xavier, Damien, the real Arielle) and Nydia and a few Wolf POV chapters. Book 2 also explores more of the Streeter world, Cressida, and International politics and other nations. Overall, I hope you'll like the second book.


Secrets of the Crown Assassins


The Crown Assassins, the world's most ruthless leaders, have a reputation which precedes them. But perhaps there's more to them than meets the eye.  

After being almost killed and having their secrets spilled to the world, they're ready to right their wrongs. Their only hope is the real Arielle Fortier, now known on the streets as Phoenix Night.

Indigo Fluor, the girl who almost tore the Crowns lives apart for an undeserving friend, is back. She's ready to destroy their power and bring them down, brick by brick. But this time she must enlist the help of a girl with a smile too sweet and a boy with a mind to cunning. Can she trust either of them?

Phoenix Night ran away from the throne for a reason and she had no plans to go back. She was a thief and a thief only. No amount of begging from her younger sister, brewing trouble, or regret will ever change her mind. But, with a large rebellion looming and even larger conspiracy climbing out of the shadows, there's one last play that can avoid all out war. Hopefully.

It's time for the Queen to claim her crown.

The story is up now and half-complete! It can be found on my profile

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The story is up now and half-complete! It can be found on my profile. Save the book to your libraries and reading lists to be notified when it is updated!

Regardless of if you continue with the series or not, I love all of you for taking the time to read my works. It means more than you could ever imagine. Thank you!!!

Side Note: If you would like to leave a review for this book, that would be greatly appreciated. Leave your thoughts in the comments! -->

Always loving and trying to give you sleepless nights,
Sreenija Paruchuri, The Queen of Psychos

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