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I sheathed my knives into the straps on my forearms. Another pair of daggers hung from the belt on my waist. Two more were strapped to my upper thighs and two smaller ones were hidden in my boots. One more butterfly knife looped through my long hair, just in case I needed another.

I grabbed two small handguns and shoved them into the back of my weapons belt. Another pair was hidden in my pockets.

I wasn't quite as concerned with agility or staying hidden this time, which was why I accepted the weight of my multiple weapons and wore my black uniform again. It was going to be a sunny day anyways. Hiding in the trees would give me a disadvantage since my shadow would be too visible and I would be perpetually stuck in one spot as people shot up at me. Staying on the ground would be my best option, which meant that I would stick out more, especially with my black fighting gear. But that was the point. If people saw me they would try to kill me, forcing themselves into the open, allowing me to shoot them down. This would add up more kills for my point totals, pushing me further ahead than anyone else competing for a spot on the Alphas.

I stood out in a sea of white and green uniforms as I walked across the grounds, climbing into the back of a truck with no windows. Axe and Chance were already sitting across from each other in the corner of the truck. I slid in next to Chance.

Axe looked me over and raised an eyebrow. "Not looking to blend in today?"

"No. I'm looking to kill."

Axe smirked and lifted his chin, saying nothing. Next to me, Chance swallowed. The corners of my mouth curled up ever so slightly at his fear.

By the end of today, many more people would be cowering in fear by my presence. I would make sure of it.

More people filed into the truck, most of them very high ranking students. They each wore a varying assortment of weapons based on their strengths and weaknesses. I took note of each of their weapons and where any could've been possibly hidden.

An older staff member peaked inside the crowded truck and shouted to the driver, "We're full!"

Someone else closed the barren steel doors and the truck took off.

The air was tense as we rode to the other side of the woods where we began the game. The windowless trucks were to ensure that no one knew their way back around the woods and back to the school. We would be forced to go straight through it, given only a compass to guide us. Of course, that hadn't stopped me from finding a stray map of the woods and memorizing it by heart.

The twenty three other students in the truck sat in silence as we rocked back and forth. Chance fidgeted in the seat next me. I slowly placed a hand on his leg, telling him to calm down without the others noticing. Of course, Axe noticed the movement, but he said nothing in return. He wouldn't make fun of his own best friend, even if Chance was stressing out for no reason, like he always did.

Due to Chance's lower rank, not many people really chased after him. He should be able to make it out of the woods easier. The bulk of the attention would be turned towards Axe and I since we were the highest ranks besides the Alphas and defeating us meant many more points for them.

Chance eventually stilled before he reached into his pocket and took out some snack bars, handing one to Axe and I. The school provided small bars before we entered the woods that we were supposed to consider our lunch, but more small snacks were always welcome. I smiled a thank you and pocketed the snack bar.

Finally, the truck lurched to a stop.

The doors flew open and we jumped out onto the soft ground. Crowds of other students had already gathered at the edge of the woods, lining up into their respective starting points. A teacher was handing out more snack bars and we grabbed a couple.

School of the Crown AssassinsWhere stories live. Discover now