Like A Bad Dream With Neon Colors

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Dear Diary,

The fire department got my dad out of the house. (2 firefighters had to drag him out) They then put out the fire. I can still see it clearly in my mind, the wiring serins, Whee-o, whee-o, whee-o. The flashing lights, blink, blink, flash. The sound when it screeched to a stop at our house. The sight of ten firefighters in bright yellow uniforms with red hard hats. One on the ever-expanding ladder at the top. A few, three I think, were carrying a  dark gray hose, It had to be at least 30 feet. I remember six firefighters running into the house. A few minutes later two firefighters came out with my dad. One had a red beard and wire-rimmed glasses and the other had a jet black mustache. My dad was held by both of them, like a person in a stretcher. He was yelling that it wasn't safe outside. The last thing I heard before they put him in the ambulance, was him yelling.

Shortly after that a lady in a yellow car with black letters that say "Child Services", parks on the side of the road. She is a B. Literally. She is bouncing, full of energy. She is big, bright, bold, and blue. She has electric blue hair, neon orange high heels at least five inches tall, a bold pink and black tiger print tee-shirt, blue skinny jeans, pink hoop earrings, and little neon orange lightning bolts too, and electric blue dipped nails. 

"So you Taylee, hon?", Said the B lady. Her voice was booming and she talked with the grammar of a teenager.

"Yes," I say.

"Alright, I'm Ruzze."

"Ruzze?", I question.

"Yeah, Ruzze. Like Blue Razz. My nickname is Blue Razz."

"Mmm," I say quietly. An unusual name for an unusual person.

"So hon, I'm gonna take you to HQ, you hop in the car. I just gotta tell your dad where you'll be,  so he won't be thinking I'm kidnapping you and go crazy and call the police. That happened the first time I did this, cause I forgot to tell the mom. Never gonna make that mistake again," She says laughing a bit at the end.

 She walks up to the drive and says something to my dad, stays there talking to him for a bit. Then comes back to the car.

"Hey, I said you go in the car, you ain't need to be watching this. You seen enough already," She says ushering me into the car.

I sit in the back seat. It's a cream color and surprisingly comfortable. On the front dashboard is an army of bobbleheads. There is a neon die hanging above the dashboard.

"So, I  work for child services, you can see that from the side of the car though. Been working here for 5 years, met lot of cool kids. Some brats, some bold like me, others shy, some caring, others violent, could go on and on. I seen a lot of characters, enough to know that no two the same. So I'll be kind of your buddy, so if you have any questions, I'm the one to ask," She says. 

She rambles on for a long time, and I stop listening. How can I listen to her ramble on and on if I don't know if my dad is ok?

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