Tree Haven

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Dear Diary,

After I get my stuff from my house I set it in my room, I ask Ruzze if I can go outside and she agrees. I run outside and smell the fresh air. 

All around me are trees; walnut trees, strong oak trees, apple trees, cherry blossoms, luscious pine trees, birches, maple trees, weeping willows. I have never seen more trees in my life! . At home I could see only a big Oak tree and a scraggly pine, but here, here is tree haven.

 I watch as a red squirrel cracks a walnut and I laugh as he scampers down the tree his bushy tail swooshing.I dance under the pinkness of a cherry blossom tree, breathing in the fragrance. Staring at the thin branches engulfed in pink. I climb up a towering oak tree and watch as a mother robbin feeds her baby. I listen to them chirp chirping.  I put my hand up to a maple leaf the size of my hand and run my fingers down the bark of a birch tree. 

I pick apples from the apple tree and climb up a pine tree. When I get to the top I look down. The pine tree is so beautiful, each branch stretching out, each covered in bristly pine needles that tickle my skin.  I bit into the apple and sweet juice drips down my chin. I watch birds chase each other and listen to the song of the mocking bird.

 I climb down and jump, hitting the ground. I breathe in the earthy smell of the dirt and kick off my sandels. I run up a hill covered in flowers. Daisies, roses, lilacs, peonies, violets, sunflowers. Their colors blending like an elaborate color by number picture. I pick some and thread them into a flower crown. Then I get a running start and tumble down the hill. The flowers blur into dots of colors all around me. When I am at the bottom I laugh. 

I spin and spin until I am at a crystal clear pond with very weepy willows surrounding it. The pond is like a watercolor painting, beautiful. Lily pads spread out perfectly, fish jumping up for air, the blueness neverending. I watch the pond mesmerized. I then become incredibly hot so I scoop up some of the water and splash it on myself. I go over and sit under a huge weeping willow and continue to watch the beautifulness of nature. I see a mother duck with her little baby splashing behind her and laugh. I hear frogs croaking and watch as swans glide across the water like dancers. I listen to the water flowing gently and let it lull me to sleep.

When I awake I walk up the hill. Water pooling in my eyes. I can't believe that all my life I never got to see this, nature. It is so beautiful, everything perfectly balanced. Unlike everything else humans have destroyed, nature is just as it is, beautiful.

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