I turned my attention to Ed. He was wearing a tight black suit and stood at the top of the elegant staircase. One of Ed's butlers stood just a few feet in front of him. He stepped to left and rose his hand, bowing. "King Sheeran the 3rd," he announced, everyone began clapping.
"Thank you, Niall," Ed whispered to him, before turning to face the crowd. The butler, Niall Horn, nodded before stepping back, allowing Ed to be the center of attention.
"I have hosted this ball in order to be able to help my people. I would like to cordially welcome Mrs. Gomez," Ed spoke to everyone. He was much more professional up there than he was behind the scenes. A lady stepped forward in all blue. She had a blue mask on with a blue feather attached and had black hair. After a few seconds of looking at her I realized she was a lizard person. It seemed like all of these people aren't defined by what species they are, but rather how they act. Lizard people aren't evil conspiracies from the illuminati, they're just normal civilians. Or in some cases, even famous.
Ed slowly stepped down the stairs. When he got to the bottom he knelt down and kissed her hand. I felt myself start to get jealous. I didn't like him. No, I don't like him.
"Selena Gomez, I would like to dedicate this song to you," he backed up and started singing Shape of You.
"I'm in love with the shape of you~" he sang, the orchestra playing the background music. Yeah, enough of that. I grabbed the friend I had made's hand and pulled him to the back of the crowd. He seemed confused, but he didn't resist. I guess he wanted to get out of there as much as I did. There was a small door that lead outside to the back garden on the wall. I looked over at the man and he nodded, giving me permission to lead him outside.
Once the door had shut he let out an awkward laugh, "Wasn't that uncomfortable? I thought he was supposed to have a queen."
"Y-yeah," I stuttered, trying not to cry.
"Hey, are you alright?" He grabbed my hand and lead me to the railing of the balcony. It was made out of stone and had two large curved stair cases going down on both sides, leading to the garden.
"No. I'm not fine at all," I couldn't hold my tears back anymore, and they just came pouring out.
"Shhh- It's going to be okay," he took off my mask, so I wouldn't ruin it with my tears.
"Are you sure?" I was shaking now, sniffling while I tried to make my tears stop.
"Yeah. It will be," he took off his mask to make me feel more comfortable.
"Harry Styles?" I was shocked. How many famous people lived here?
He chuckled quietly, "Yeah, that's me."
I just gave him a hug. I didn't know what else to do. I felt so lost. I was forced to come here to be Ed's wife, and now he's with some other girl.
"Hey, Harry?"
"I'm supposed to be Ed's queen but.... I don't think I love him and I don't think he loves me," I whisper to Harry.
"Oh so you're the famous, Y/N," he paused before whispering me advice back, "time will tell." A smile started to form on my face. He somehow knew what to say when I needed it.
"Thank you," I wiped my eyes. The scene was romantic. The moonlight, the music from the ball faintly playing in the background, which had switched from Ed singing to slow dance music, and of course the beautiful garden next to us. Without thinking I leaned in and kissed Harry.
The Harry Styles. I kissed him. While I'm supposed to get married to Ed Sheeran. I messed up. I messed up big time.
I waved him off as I backed up, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry."
"It's alright," he whispered to me.
"No it's not, I... I have to go," I turned around to run off when he grabbed my hand.
"Y/N Wait..."
"Harry, we can't do this. You know we can't do this. I'm supposed to get married to Ed. Plus I just met you today!"
"Didn't you just meet Ed yesterday?"
"I have to marry him. It's not like I love him or anything," I slipped back inside of the ball and made my way to the passage to way to the rest of the castle. Harry tried to stop me but I just ignored him. He stopped trying to stop me as to not cause a scene, but I knew he wanted to. I'm such an idiot. I never should've came.
Once I made it to the hallway, I slipped off my shoes and carried them as I walked to my room. I was almost there when I heard another familiar voice inside of a room. It was supposed to be locked but the door was cracked open. I peaked inside and all I could see was a figure talking on the phone.
"No, don't worry. He doesn't suspect a thing. Even with minor setbacks like this, things should work out. Call me in two hours and let me know if anythings changed. Okay, bye," He spoke quietly before closing the burner flip phone. Crap, I need to get out of here before I get caught. Luckily for me the figure was doing something else in the room and I was able to get back to my room without any problems. I shut the door and locked it behind me before I jumped back onto my bed. What a night. I just hope Harry's feelings weren't hurt and Ed won't face any consequences because of me.

The True Shape of You
FanfictionEd Sheeran x reader / Harry Styles x reader fanfic. This ones a wild one I started writing as a joke but it is slowly becoming the opposite of one. I mean it still is a joke but maybe I am putting way too much effort into it. I'm not gonna put what...