I woke up with a big yawn. Last night my mother and I ate a home cooked meal my mother had prepared and spent some good quality time together. I'm going to miss her so much, but decisions have been made.
I got out of bed, my toes carefully sliding into my pink slippers, which were placed perfectly on top of my white rug. My room was perfect. It had beautiful pink lacy curtains which complemented the white walls and grey carpeting nicely. The walls were covered in photos my father took while he was still alive, and a brown bookshelf stood in the corner. Cut out pictures of me and my mom, and of me and my friends covered my desk. I began a scrapbook a couple days ago to remember my family and friends by since I was going to be going to collage within the next couple of years. I was going to continue to add photos to it, but I guess not anymore. Well.. I could bring it with me and work on it. I'm not really one to make last minute decisions but people change.
I picked the stacks of pictures up and placed them into a plastic bag before sliding both that and the almost blank scrapbook into my bag. I grabbed a pair of scissors, a ruler, and some tape and put them in my bag too. Besides what I had just packed, everything was already loaded into my car. I was going to miss my room so much. And I was going to miss Mittens. Which reminds me... where is she? I want to say goodbye to her.
I set my bag down next to my door and began looking for my fluffy white kitty. Where could she be? I searched nearly every room without any luck before I saw a small white figure in the doorway to my room. She must've just showed up. I scooped her up, and placed her down on my bed.
"I'll miss you so much," I stroked her fur. She purred quietly which made me smile.
"Y/N! Come on your going to be late!" my mother yelled up at me from the living room downstairs.
"Coming!" I yelled back, "Bye Mittens I'll see you hopefully soon." I kissed her head gently before grabbing my backpack and walking downstairs.
"Some last minute packing?" my mother asked, pointing at my bag.
I laughed softly, "I guess you could say that." The room became silent. My mother hugged me and she began crying.
"Y/N be a good girl, okay? I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I love you so much and I just want the best for you," she whispered in my ear, still hugging me.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure everything is okay," I whispered back. We stood there for a few more minutes before we finally let go.
"I better get going..." I put my bag on and waved to my mom before leaving the house.
"Have a safe trip!" she waved back at me. I closed the door after she finished speaking and got into the car. I could see her looking at the window out of my rear view mirror as I drove away.•♡•
This is such a bad idea. What am I even doing. Last minute regrets and thoughts of turning back flooded my mind. But no matter how much I wanted to just turn around and go back home. Home to my mom and my kitten. Home to my friends and my school. My home was a place to dear to me yet I just had this gut feeling that I couldn't. Something was telling me I had to do this. Whether it be the money for my mother or the whole thing with Ed, I had to do it.
I pulled into the parking lot of the slushy place. This is it. No regrets. I turned off the ignition and began rummaging through my bag, looking for my phone to check the time. Just then I heard a slap sound against the car window. I jumped in my seat with a shriek but when I turned to see what it was, I was not expecting what I saw. Ed Sheeran had his face smooshed against the glass, his hands pushing on it.
"What the hell!?" I opened the door, causing to Ed fall backwards, "You nearly scared me to death."
Ed stood up and laughed gently, "Nah bbg ur already dead cause you're an angel."
"Was that supposed to be romantic?" I asked, unamused. Maybe Ed wasn't the type of guy I thought he was.
"No I was just joking," he nervously laughed, but I could just tell he was serious.
"Okay. Anyways... How are we going to get to... um... your planet?" I asked, just trying to change the subject.
"Zorgob," he replied.
"Umm what?"
"My planet. It's called Zorgob."
"Okay. How are we going to get to this umm... Zorgob?"
"Follow me in your car."
"Okay," I got into the car and started it again. I slowly drove behind him, but he stopped suddenly and I ran over his leg. I heard a screech come from outside the car.
"Oops.." I got out to see Ed rolling on the floor, crying. He is less... how do I put it? Charismatic as I imagined him to be. He got up as soon as he saw me and brushed himself off.
He nonchalantly whimpered, "I'm fine." He was in fact, not fine. He got into the car with me so he wouldn't have to walk anymore than he had too.
"Just drive to behind the slushy shop," he instructed and I did what he said. Suddenly the car began levitating into a giant UFO. Honestly I'm not even surprised at this point. It would take a lot to shock me now.
The car landed inside and the UFO flew off. Ed Sheeran got out of the car first, and opened my car door. I rolled my eyes and got out. He slammed the door shut behind me and I walked over to one of the windows. I gasped, space was so pretty. The stars shone so brightly.
Ed came up and hugged me from behind, "Do you like what you see?" He was seriously starting to piss me off.
"Are you always this rude?" I stepped on his foot so he would let go of me, which he did.
"Bbg what's up with you today?" he asked, rubbing his foot.
"What's up with me? Oh I don't know. Just that my celebrity crush is actually a frog jerk who is taking me a planet named Zoscap."
"Actually it's Zorgob-"
"I don't care! Just shut up and leave me alone. Go sit on a lily pad or something."
"Excuse me? That is very rude to my people. We do not sit on lily pads all day, we go to work and have jobs."
"How was I supposed to know?"
Ed Sheeran stomped off. Jesus. Mother you better be grateful. I'm doing this for you. I have no idea how I'm going to deal with him.

The True Shape of You
FanfictionEd Sheeran x reader / Harry Styles x reader fanfic. This ones a wild one I started writing as a joke but it is slowly becoming the opposite of one. I mean it still is a joke but maybe I am putting way too much effort into it. I'm not gonna put what...