Lots of explaining

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I woke up to someone shaking my arm. I turned around to see Harry knelt down next to my bed. I rolled back over but was sharply spun around again.

"If I come in here in five minutes and your not up there will be trouble" I knew this wasn't an empty threat so I got up and got dressed. I put on some tanned joggers with a white top and white vans. I made my way over to the bathroom that connected to mine and Niall's room. I looked up at the mirror and styled my hair after brushing my teeth. When it looked good enough I walked out my room and made my way downstairs. Zayn and Harry were already downstairs waiting.

"Good boy" Zayn said smirking and I just looked. I saw my phone on the side of the counter and went to touch it.

"Ah, ah ah" Harry said "You have to earn this back" He said snatching it away. I didn't know what to say because nobody had ever taken my stuff away from me without me kicking off but on this case I chose to move on.

"Come on we will be late" Zayn said as we all trudged out to the car. I got in the back as Zayn got into drive.

"You wont have to deliver anything today just act normal."

"Yeah I will try" I said and saw Zayn look at me through the mirror. We arrived at school and I saw my car isolated in the parking lot as we pulled up. We all got out and I saw Liam driving in. He looked confused and I did eye signal telling him not to worry. I showed them to the office were we had a meeting about them being my guardians now. The school were fine and took their details before we left.

"Behave yourself" Harry said giving me a stern look. They left and I saw Liam walking towards me.

"Who the fuck were they?" He said sounding worried.

"Don't worry Payno, I'll explain it all at lunch"

Lunch came around and I told Liam everything that had happened the night before as we had a cigarette. We heard the bell go and we made our way in so I wouldn't be late. On our way to maths with Mr Malone we bumped into Jaxon. I chose to ignore him before we got outside my classroom and he made a comment I just couldn't ignore. "Where's your mum Tomlinson" he knew why I moved out but still chose to take the piss. I turned around and tacked him. My fists were red from the hits and blood went everywhere. I could hear Liam shouting and before I knew it I was dragged off of him but a teacher. I was thrown into the office and told your parents were being called. I laughed until I realised who was being called.

I sat in the office. I heard the door fling open and kept my head down.

"Let's go" Harry barked grabbing me by my collar and dragging me through the corridor. We got to the car and he threw me in.


"Save it!" He shouted. I sat in silence until he dragged me out out the car and threw me through the door I landed on my face and slid along the floor. Two hands dragged around my arms and lifted me up into a room I hadn't been into yet. These men I didn't know but they were huge.

They beat me up. Tying me up and slashing my stomach with a rope. I winced out in pain as I saw the blood start to stain my shirt and it reminded me of what I had done to Jaxon. Then a gun was pressed up to my head but I knew this man. It was Harry.

"Get out lads" He said to the other men and they left closing the door behind them.

"Louis what was the one thing I said to you today?" He asked me calmly.

"T-to behave" I replied trying not to cry out in pain.

He continued his speech "But yet here we are me getting a call saying you got into a fight with the same kid you have already beat up twice. I don' get it"

"Look please don't hurt me it won't happen again I promise" I was crying now the pain was too much.

"Come here lad" Harry said untying my hands and pulling me into his chest.

Harry pov

I help the small boy in my arms. He was small and I could tell the punishment was to much for his broken body. I knew what had happened and why he lived on his own because for once I actually done my research and found that out. I wanted to help this lad and get him in the gang but he wasn't making it easy. I felt his weight loosen around me and realised he had fallen asleep in my arms. I picked him up and carried him up to his room laying him on his bed before going down to my office.

"Zayn can I have a word?"

"Yeah what's up"

"He's staying, he will be good at selling we just need to sort out his anger. Get Liam in here, his mum and dad aren't really around. I think they could help each other"

"Yeah, I will get him later why the change of heart?" he questioned me.

"He's too small we can't punish him every time, he will die. We need a different tactic with him if we want this to work"

"I agree" I'll tell the others.

I got back to my laptop when Zayn left and went straight to my laptop to google this Jaxon kid. I found out he is a screw up and has been to juvey twice for carrying drugs. I dug deeper and found out he is an addict. Perfect I exclaimed to myself. We can get Louis to see to him and whoever his mates are if he even has any.

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