The second snatch

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Zayn's POV

I watched as he got his stuff out the boot of his car. I could see why Louis was friends with him. His perfectly topped hair sat on his head completely unaffected by the wind. I watched as a kid his age walked passed his front door to which he snarled and gave the a sharp "fuck off" to which they walked away at a pace. He didn't see me stood here watching just like Louis didn't either. They were both the same both in their world and nobody else's except for this kid he was more built, more broad. I waited until he was just in his house shutting the door before I invited myself in.

"Uh hello?" He stated as I stood in his doorway shutting the door behind me.

"You know who I am?" I asked

"I know who you are but why are you here you already  have Louis?" He questioned me but I couldn't give him the answers he wanted. Harry could answer him but not me.

"Go get your stuff and don't make me ask twice" I told him before taking out my gun and he seemed to understand as he ran up the stature and I could hear him getting his stuff. I drove him back to the house and took him straight to the office.

"He's here Harry" I announced as we walked through the door. Harry was already waiting.

"Thanks Zayn go move Niall for us"

With that I left and went up to Liam and Louis room. I saw Niall sat on his bed on his phone, he had been here a few months and knew how to behave so had his phone but Louis laid upon his bed battered and bloody. I watched him as I told Niall to get his stuff together. When Niall was ready I showed him his new room just next door and left him to sort his stuff out. I went back into Louis and took off his shirt to reveal the wounds he had. I didn't like what I saw. Harry was right he was too weak to take a beating and would need something else. He winced as I go it off his head and put the blanket back oh him.

Liams POV

I listened to what Harry had to say and agreed to be with his crew. Only so I could keep an eye on Louis though. He was my best friend and like a little brother, when his mum left him for her stupid boyfriend I was the only one he had and I couldn't let him down, not now, not ever.

I followed Harry to my new room and was shocked when I saw Louis. He was topless and his wounds were open. I could see the blood left of his chest and ran over to help him.

"He will be ok" Harry told me but I just looked at him.

"Louis cmon wake up lad" I shook him and saw his eyes flicker. I let out a sigh of relief and I saw Harry leave and Louis wake up. He sat up on his bed and looked so happy to see me.

"Payno" he said embracing me in a hug. "Tommo" I replied hugging him back. I went over to my bed and started to take out my clothes.

"You didn't have to come" he said.

"I didn't really have a choice bro"

"I'm sorry man"

"It's calm brother don't worry, what's up here anyway"

"I don't know what we are aloud to do and what we are not" and just like that in walked a kid I didn't know.

"Zayn said dinners ready" he said with a strong Irish accent. "That's Niall" Louis told me and I nodded my head. We walked downstairs and I helped Louis down. We got to the table and took a seat there was many people, me and Louis, Zayn and Harry, Niall and three people I didn't know. Louis looked at the two men opposite us and put his head down.

"Louis they won't hurt you anymore" Harry told him. This angered me two grown men on him that's unfair and I had to say my opinion.

"You what!" I shouted "he's only a kid!"

"Calm down payno its fine ah" he said to me clutching his ribs.

"Tommo your fine cmon" I said getting up from the table.

"Sit down" Zayn told me and I didn't looking at Louis. Harry stood up and lifted Louis up I went to follow them but Zayn grabbed my hand and dragged me into my seat.

"He will be fine with him I promise" and I believed him. He had a trusting charm about him but I didn't know why.

Louis POV

I was in pain. A lot of pain. Harry took me up from the table and carried me into my room. He sat down on the bed with his back against the wall legs crossed. He sat me in his lap like I was a baby and started messing with my hair. I stared up at his emerald green eyes and watched as I saw him smile.

"H-Harry can I have some medicine please" I asked hoping I wouldn't be shut down by him but instead he went into his pocket and took out some paracetamol.

"Thank you" I said and he smiled. He did have a nice side. The room was quiet but he spoke up.

"Your not going to school tomorrow, Liam is but your staying home so I can keep and eye on you" I didn't answer but instead nestled my face into his chest. He made me feel like nobody could hurt me. He made me feel safe.

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