The telling

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"You alright?" Caspian asked sitting down next to me.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said softly looking at him.

"You sure because you look like you've seen a ghost."

"I-.." I started softly before cleaning my throat. "In a way it's like I did. How much do you now about me from the stories?"

"A lot." He admitted. "I know you were the one to kill the white witch. I know what kind of ruler you are."

"Do you know what happened before the battle?"

"Not much."

"Show me where the stone table is." I said softly.

He looked hesitant before grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. He grabbed a torch and pulled me inside before lighting a well on both sides of the room. I looked at the table unable to stop the tears that welled up inside my eyes.

"Hey. We don't have to be here. We can go." He said softly coming over to me.

"No. It's fine." I said softly.

"Lucy and I were the first to visit Narnia. Edmund was the next, he followed us one night. But he meet the white witch. He was under her thumb, it was viewed as a betrayal against us. They raided her camp and got him back. But she showed up going on about the deep magic and how every traitors blood was hers and Edmund was to die on the stone table." My voice wavered a bit as I took a few steps towards the table.

Caspian followed placing his hand on the small of my back, I leaned into him ever so slightly before I continued.

"Aslan and I offered to take his place."

"Wait you did what?" He asked shocked.

"Let me finish." I said softly placing my hand on his chest. "She was quick to accept the offer with Aslan and I out of the way she saw a path to easy victory. She renounced her claim on Edmunds blood. That night Aslan and I made our way here."

I reached the stone table gently brushing my fingers on it. Sitting on one of the stones, Caspian sitting next to me.

"Unknown to us Lucy and Susan had followed and they watched the whole thing unfold. My hands and feet were bound and I was gagged. Aslan was bound and his mane was shaved. She mocked him, making me watch before she killed him." My hands began shaking making Caspian placed one of his hands over mine. He reached up and wiped the tears off my face with the other.

"Then she dragged my up on the table. She said "you a little failure of a witch. I guess all those prophecies weren't really about you. You aren't good enough to defeat me, let alone rule Narnia." Before she plunged the stone knife into my chest." I said softly placing my hand over the scar that never left my chest.

I pulled the neck of my gown down enough for the scar to be visible. Before Caspian grabbed my chin turning my face towards him.

"Well she was so very wrong about you." He said softly before pulling me into a tight hug.

I let the warmth engulf me as I tried to keep my crys silent.

"It's alright let it out. I've got you, flower." He said softly as my cry's subsided.

After I had calmed down enough we headed back out into the Howe, to see the others preparing for the morning trip. We were looking for food and other supplies we may need. I changed, and attached my belt and sword on before putting my bow and arrows on my back. I meet Caspian and the others before we began our journey into the woods. I stayed close to Caspian as we walked deeper into the trees. Both of us were at the front, when I spotted a group of deer.

"Hope you aren't opposed to deer meat." I muttered quietly.

I glanced at the other three archers we brought with us. They all nodded at me as we loaded our bows.

"Now." I said and we released our arrows.

Striking the four deer in their eye. Pulling out one of my throwing knives I made my way over. Caspian following behind me. Kneeling down next to one of them I turned to him.

"You aren't squeamish are you?" I asked.

"Uh not really."

"That's good. Ever gutted an animal?"

"No." He looked a bit grossed out.

"Well it might be time to learn." I replied before I pulled the arrow out of its eye.

"My Queen. Perhaps one of us should do it."

"Do not worry, Rainstorm. This isn't the first time and it might not be the last. But if you'd like to help we can get it done faster." I nodded towards him.

He bowed before he began cleaning one of the deer. I showed Caspian how to properly gut, clean, and take the meat off the carcass. He looked a bit nauseated by it, but he didn't say anything. He paid attention, making sure to watch what I did. We had them gutted and cleaned in no time. We found a creek nearby and I washed the blood off my hands, and my knife.

I stood up making my way back towards the others. Caspian looked a little less green than he did earlier. I walked over to him.

"You alright?"

"Yeah I'm fine. Just surprised is all, I didn't know you could do that."

"Yeah well. Sometimes things we don't necessarily want to know how to do comes in handy. Unless of course you'd rather starve." I laughed darting away from him.

I slid behind a tree hearing him chasing after me. I circled the tree coming out behind him. I motioned to the others to keep quiet before I jumped on his back.

"Got ya." I giggled.

I went to slid off his back when he grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his torso.

"You know I can walk right?" I mumbled sarcastically.

"Yeah well. You still have to help Glenstorm with training today. And I don't want you tiring yourself out too much, flower."

I shrugged slinging my arms over his shoulders.

"Seems fine to me." I grinned, I didn't even question the nickname.

He let out a low chuckle as he continued to walk. He never once complained or slowed down.

"I've got to be getting heavy, Caspian. Just set me down, I can walk the rest of the way."

"Getting heavy?" He laughed. "Flower you weigh basically nothing. You're definitely not getting heavy at all."

"Yeah sure whatever you say."

"Exactly whatever I say. You are on my back right now, who said I was letting you down anytime soon."

"Don't push your luck. You may be cute but I could kick your ass anytime I wanted."

"Oh so I'm cute huh?"

"That's literally the only thing you heard wasn't it?" I rolled my eyes as he laughed.

"Maybe." He replied.

"Of course."

"What are you and Glenstorm working on today?"

"Swordsmanship. He figured it would be a good thing to start with."

"And you agree?"

"I do. It's better to start with something we'll use more, before we start working on archery. Maybe you should join us."

"Maybe I will." We entered the clearing to the Howe.

Celeste running up to us. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I giggled. "You're brother is very stubborn though."

"That he is." She grinned up at me.

"You can let me down now, Caspian." I grinned when he finally released me and I slid off his back.

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