Chapter Two

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School starts tomorrow. I might seem immature by saying I don't want to go, but I really don't want to. I want to stay at the safety of Mrs. Herman's house. I would love running errands for her my entire life and never having to go to school. If I didn't got to school then I wouldn't have to know what it is like to be ignored by both students and teachers. Know what it is like to have people whispering about you twenty-four seven. Know what it is like to sit down at a table and have people move away to a different table. Know what it's like to have my hand up to go to the bathroom or a question and then just be ignored. Know what it's like not to be given an assigned seat then having to sit in a place no one else is near because if I sit by someone, the teacher will move them.

At least this my last year of school. At least after this I can find a place to live and never have to worry about people seeing my mark. I've wondered what would happen if I skipped school. Would they really hurt me if they saw my marking or would they just kill me on the spot because of it. I have no idea, I wish my life hadn't gone like this.

That was what her journal entry had been yesterday night after she and Mrs. Herman ate the muffins. She had put too much flower in the muffins and it was not as good as usual. Mrs. Herman, being the woman that she was, had said something about it, Josilyn had apologized and Mrs. Herman made a joke about how she should have kicked her out long ago. Josilyn knew it was a joke, but still got a little offended. After that she had come back to her room and has written that.

Well, that was last night. Today was going to make a difference. She wasn't going to let people ignore her. She was going to talk to people, demand to be given a seat next to someone. Maybe that person she was to sit by could be her first friend. She wouldn't let herself be treated differently just because of a stupid mark she was born with. She would explain to everyone that she doesn't know why she has it and that she is not at all dangerous. She kept telling herself thing, letting it build up until she stood in front of the school. All the things she kept telling herself shattered. She realized she will make it though the year, just keep her head down and don't complain.

That morning, Mrs. Herman gave her a funny look when Josilyn exited her room with her books in a backpack and one of her scarfs around her neck. "You have to wear a uniform, don't you? Is that it?" She had asked looking over the navy blue shirt and jeans she was wearing.

Josilyn had nodded. "Yup, this is it ma'am."

"Are you allowed to wear your scarf at school, dear?" When Josilyn shook her head she continued. "You should really keep it here. I don't want you to be carrying it around all day and get it all ruined in that backpack of yours."

Josilyn had panicked, her free hand had moved up to cover the back of her neck. Oh if only she didn't have to put her hair up. "Going to school without a scarf is extremely hard, I kind of get a panic attack, and I want to postpone that as long as possible." She lied.

Mrs. Herman, of course, gave a knowing nod and had pushed her out the door, saying that she was going to be late if she kept dawdling. Now Josilyn stood in front of the school. It was a depressing looking school. It was like a miniature mansion and didn't have a lawn in front of it, just a small gate that led to the steps and into the big doors that lay open like a Venus flytrap waiting to capture her.

She knew she was not allowed to wear a scarf once she entered the school grounds, or what lay behind the gate. She had been yelled at the first time she had come here by a mean looking man. Once she had taken it off, he had gasped and walked away quickly. Josilyn took off the scarf feeling very naked and revealed without it. It was like taking of her shirt in the middle of a boy's locker room.

As soon as she started walking up the stairs, the whispering started. Boy's stopped laughing, girls stopped gossiping in their groups to stare. Someone even screamed. It was absolutely horrible. And I really thought I would be brave this time. Funny brain, funny.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2021 ⏰

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