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{Request from Ao3}

3rd POV

Iizuna wasn't one to overthink, therefore when a situation presented itself, the obvious answer was always the right one to him. You have a headache? You're on a screen too often. You're gaining weight? You aren't balancing your exercise and nutrition as you should be. Your stomach hurts, c'mon that ones easy. More water and you'll be fine.

It just never occurred to him that maybe the headache was stress related. Or maybe gaining weight was part of a medical condition. Maybe your stomach hurts because your kidney is dysfunctional. But that just wasn't how his brain worked. Which, in turn, made him a good captain. There was always one correct answer and that gave his teammates a proper road to follow.

So, when Komori showed up to practice with bruises on his wrists, arms, jaw, and legs, it was a reasonable thought that Komori was just doing dive practice on his own. Iizuna even went to extra mile, being as good a boyfriend as he could be, to ask Sakusa if something had happened to Komori. Sakusa said no, and then agreed that he was likely just practicing.

So, was it really so bad to continue assuming that when bruises continued to show?

"Motoya? Doesn't your arm hurt?" Iizuna asked one day, after seeing Komori come to practice with a fresh set of bruises. "Why don't you put some essential oil on them, or lotion maybe, and call it a day?"

Komori shook his head and gave Iizuna a less than convincing smile, holding the ball in his hands close to him. "That's alright, Tsukasa. I haven't been practicing much lately, plus I really enjoy hanging out with you guys after practice anyway."

Iizuna's face fell into a frown. A frown that was familiar on his face from the many times he wore it, in concentration, after a lost match, when something is confusing. This was confusing, to him at least.

"Then where did the bruises come from?" Iizuna asked.

Komori's face fell into the same confusion Iizuna felt, "What.. do you mean?"

Iizuna put down the volleyball in his hands and walked over to his boyfriend, gently grabbing Komori's arms into his grasp. Komori's volleyball dropped to the ground with a small thud, nothing compared to the sound around them.

Iizuna flipped over Komori's arms so the bruises were facing up and gestured towards them.

"The bruises, didn't you get them from practicing?" Iizuna asked gently, running a gentle finger over the dark bruise on the libero's wrists.

Komori flinched violently the minute Iizuna's finger came into contact with the bruise and quickly pulled his arms to his chest. "Um.. um, yeah." Komori nodded finally. "Yeah, I've been.. practicing late.. at home."

Iizuna's eyes narrowed in suspicion. "But you just said you haven't been practicing much." Iizuna reached out a hand to touch Komori's shoulder but Komori jumped back. Iizuna winced and pulled his hand back. "What's with you today, Motoya?" Iizuna asked gently, "why are you so jumpy?"

Komori opened his mouth in a quite whimper but was cut off before he had the chance to properly say anything by the gym doors slamming open.

It didn't matter who entered the gym, some energetic teenagers demanding that the 'volleyball geeks' pack up their stuff and go home because it was the basketball clubs turn, or something like that. No, it didn't matter because the minute those doors slammed against the wall behind them, Komori had jumped to Iizuna, burying himself into Iizuna's chest as if looking for protection.

Instinctively, Iizuna's arms were around Komori in a hug, a hand in his hair and a hand on the small of his back. Iizuna was an observant person (despite being particularly dense in some areas), but you didn't have to be smart to notice Komori seemed terrified. Short, erratic breaths, his frame quivering in Iizuna's arms, the small - almost unnoticeable wet spot forming on Iizuna's volleyball clothes.

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