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1/1 - so many BokuAka requests😂

3rd POV

Akaashi scooped up an enormous one scoop ice cream cone and handed it to the little kid over the counter with a napkin. Akaashi faced the mom.

"Come again soon." He said kindly, bowing slightly.

The mother smiled gratefully and put quite a few dollars in the tip jar. (I know this isn't custom for people in Japan to do.)

"Thank you very much, I know how much of a handful she can be." And then the mother walked out.

That was pretty much how the day went by. People of all different ages ranging from 5 year olds to 40 year olds wanted some ice cream. And Akaashi was happy to serve them.

He quickly glanced at the clock. 3:57. Any minute now.

Throughout Akaashi's time as a worker here - quite a few years now - Akaashi was quick to find a frequent customer. Always bringing different girls and guys with him for dates at the ice cream shop. By now, Akaashi wasn't surprised.


Akaashi heart practically skipped 5 beats when he saw the digital clock strike 4:00. And right on time, the door to the ice cream shop sounded.

Akaashi looked to the door, smiling softly to find Bokuto holding the door open for an elderly woman and the child with her. Bokuto was naturally kind like that, never looking for anything in return. It was one of the things Akaashi liked best about the boy.

Akaashi called up the next customer, happy to find Bokuto standing in front of him alone.

"How's my favorite college student?" Bokuto asked, grabbing his wallet and putting multiple dollars in the tip jar before he had even ordered anything.

Akaashi flushed slightly, but looked down at the register.

"You're a year older than me Bokuto-san. You don't need to say that every time." Akaashi said, clearing his throat. "What can I get you?"

"Is that even a question?" Bokuto asked.

Akaashi laughed. "Of course not, that all for you today Bokuto-san? No date at your side, I see." Akaashi commented, getting out a waffle cone and scooping up one scoop of mint chocolate chip and another scoop of cookies and cream. Bokuto's favorite mix.

"No, I decided to take a break. Give myself some time to eat ice cream with my best friend in peace." Bokuto said, leaning his elbow on the counter and smiling dreamily at Akaashi.

Akaashi snorted and handed Bokuto his ice cream with a napkin around it. He knew by now Bokuto made more of a mess than one napkin could clean so it was kind of useless, but Akaashi still gave him the napkin.

"3.99 is your total with tax, Bokuto-san."

Bokuto already had the 4 dollars extended out to Akaashi. They had done this so many times it was like routine. Akaashi's smiled brightly and gave Bokuto his usual penny back for change, which he also stuck in the tip jar.

Instead of walking out from the ice cream shop, Bokuto took a seat at the bar like table that was right next to where Akaashi worked.

"How has your day been Akaashi?" Bokuto asked, licking up some of the melted ice cream before taking a bite of the cookies and cream scoop which was on top. (If you bite your ice cream, you're a psycho)

"Good as always Bokuto-san." Akaashi vaguely answered.

Soon enough, 30 minutes had passed of no one coming in the shop and Bokuto and Akaashi just talking. Bokuto had finished his ice cream and was getting up to clean the mess before he left.

Akaashi bit his lip as he handed Bokuto the wet rags, taking a huge leap and hoping this wouldn't ruin anything between his and Bokuto's friendship.

"Bokuto-San, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to g-go.." Akaashi took a deep breath. "...to the movies with me sometime? Or maybe we could go to the park?"

Akaashi let out a breath, now that that was off his chest, it was the answer he was waiting for.

"You mean like hanging out outside of the ice cream shop?! That would be great!" Bokuto exclaimed excitedly.

Akaashi frowned and quickly reached out to Bokuto's sleeve before he left the parlor.

"No, not quite like that. I meant more as a date.." Akaashi mumbled.

"Well if that case I'd love to, Akaashi." Bokuto said softly, giving Akaashi a light kiss on the forehead. "We can talk about the details tomorrow. Go home and get some rest, ok?"

Akaashi looked at the clock, finding that it was almost 5.

He nodded, but didn't let go of Bokuto's sleeve. "I will Bokuto-san."

Bokuto broke out in a smile. "You have to let go Akaashi. I have to get home too." Bokuto said happily, leaning down so he was face to face with Akaashi. When Akaashi defiantly shook his head, Bokuto smiled and leaned in for a short, small kiss.

Akaashi hand immediately went to his face, trying to cover the blush while his other one faintly touched his lips slightly. So this was happening? This wasn't a dream? Holy mother of god, he had asked out Bokuto.

"That was my first kiss.." Akaashi whispered.

Bokuto smiled and leaned forward again, giving Akaashi a real kiss. Akaashi practically melted in Bokuto's hands.

"I'll see you later, yeah?" Bokuto asked, letting go of Akaashi and stepping back.

"Mhm.." Akaashi hummed, completely lovestruck.

Bokuto laughed and waved at the door, finally walking out.

Akaashi stared at the door for multiple more minutes before he cringed, realizing how stupid he was acting. He quickly got back to cleaning up, smiling the entire time.

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