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Major Voltron spoilers

3rd POV

Yamaguchi was not a sickly kid. His immune system was stronger than most, and on top of that he lived with his grandma who was a nurse and mental health major. She kept him healthy in every way possible.

However, everyone has their moments.

Yamaguchi's moment was now. Thank the lords it wasn't during nationals, or preliminary seasons. It was just a regular day, in a regular week.

He woke up and his stomach lurched as he got out of bed. Yamaguchi felt hot and sweaty, his body weight seemed to triple as he tried to stand and walk.

Yamaguchi's grandmother was on a trip though. He wouldn't call her, because this was her vacation, so instead he got ready. Yamaguchi wasn't one to skip school unless absolutely necessary anyway.

The greenette got ready, decked out in his usual uniform and grabbed his phone from the charger. He went downstairs and grabbed a glass of water, debating on whether he could handle breakfast right now.

Yamaguchi's cup, thankfully it was plastic, slipped from his hands. He groaned as water spilled all over the hard wood floor of the kitchen.

He decided against breakfast.

Yamaguchi winced as he phone started to ring on the counter. He groaned again and stepped away from his mess, stumbling to his phone.

"Hello?" He asked, his voice scratchy and dry.

He hadn't checked the contact information, it was one of two people. Tsukishima or his grandmother.

"I'm outside, are you ready for school?"

Tsukishima then.

Yamaguchi looked around, confused. He slowly found his way to looking at the clock of the microwave.

"Wait.. it's already 7:20?" Yamaguchi asked.

He was slightly out of it, a headache forming slowly.

"Um, yeah? Aren't you usually always on top of it? You're always ready before I'm here." Tsukishima stated. "Are you ok?"

Yamaguchi felt a ping in his heart. Sure the two were dating but rarely did Tsukishima ever show the love and worry Yamaguchi knew he felt.

"I don't know." Yamaguchi answered bluntly.

Tsukishima hung up and for a split second Yamaguchi wondered if Tsukishima was just going on walk to school without him. For a split second Yamaguchi thought he was going to have to deal with this on his own.

Thankfully, it was only for a split second because the front door opened and in walked Tsukishima, who held the spare key in his palm.

He did a once over of Yamaguchi and sat down his bag. There was no way the two were going to school today.

Tsukishima set down the key with a sigh and walked over to the kitchen, helping Yamaguchi away from the counter.

"Of course you were still planning to go to school." Tsukishima huffed, annoyed.

"S-sorry, Tsuki." Yamaguchi apologized.

"Shut up, Yamaguchi." Tsukishima said on instinct.

Tsukishima decided to ignore the words and help Yamaguchi all the way upstairs. Tsukishima knew the Yamaguchi house by heart so it wasn't a problem getting Yamaguchi to his bedroom either. 

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