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1/1 - this didn't really have to be a Christmas oneshot but I wanted it to be (also I'm posting this very late lol)

3rd POV

Kuroo groaned as he reread the text playing across his screen over and over again.

Bro🥺: Better prepare yourself bro, I heard Tsukishima will be at the party. Something about winning you back after 'accidentally' cheating.

Tsukishima as in Tsukishima Kei. Only the most annoying and heartbreaking experience Kuroo had ever gone through. They were engaged after 7 years of dating, their wedding only weeks away, and Kuroo had found out Tsukishima had been seeing side hoes the entire time.

Tsukishima ended up trying to play it off as 'it was a one time accident' but Kuroo didn't believe it for a second. Tsukishima had just wanted a good fuck and someone who could treat him like a sugar baby; neither of which Kuroo was particularly good at at the time. He was a helpless romantic, not a freak in the sheets. And back then he didn't had the money to spend on Tsukishima at that time but look at him now, rich. Rich as hell.

"What's wrong Kuroo?"

And that would be Kenma Kozume. The one who had told him Tsukishima was no good from the beginning. After Tsukishima and Kuroo broke up, Kuroo fell down a hole. He was fired from his company job that he was finally starting to get the hang of and he realized just how much he relied on Tsukishima's approval in every day life.

When Kuroo went MIA for days, Kenma ended up dropping by his apartment and hauling him off his ass. They went back to Kenma's home that was occupied by no one but him and Kuroo got back on his feet.

Now he was a multimillion dollar making genius who ran several of his own companies with a saving and checking account at nothing less than a billion dollars everyday.

"Tsukishima might be at the Christmas party." Kuroo said with a sigh.

It's not like it would be too much of a deal to just flip him off and say fuck you before walking away, but Kuroo would prefer not to do that.

"So? Say piss off and kick him to the curb like you did 2 years ago."

Kuroo snorted. If only.

Kenma sat of the sofa, on top of Kuroo's legs. "Seriously Kuroo. I don't.. like dealing with things like this but Tsukishima is the one person I'd rather you not fall for again." Kenma said softly, looking down as to not show the amount of care he felt for Kuroo and his well being.

"Awe kitten! Are you worried about me?" Kuroo cooed playfully.

Kenma's nose scrunched and he quickly got off of Kuroo's legs and walked towards the kitchen.

"Shut up. I just want you to be ok. That's not the same." Kenma muttered.

After a few minutes of arguing about how it totally was the same, Kuroo got an idea.

"It's so simple, why didn't I think of this before!" Kuroo exclaimed, startling Kenma slightly.

"What is you idiotic plan this time, rooster?"

"What if you were my fiancé? Just for the night, but if I could make Tsukishima uncomfortable enough to leave me alone then he would go away- wouldn't bother me at all!" Kuroo said excitedly as if he had just cured cancer.

Kuroo waited for a few seconds before Kenma spoke.

"For a multimillion dollar millionaire with multiple companies in the palm of his hand, you sure do come up with some idiotic plans."

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