Chapter 1

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(Picture is Yoonji)

Yoonji's POV
        "What do you mean we're moving?" I exclaim in outrage as my mother flinches slightly at my tone. "Yoonji, calm down," She starts slowly. "Don't tell me to calm down, you're taking me from the place I've lived my whole life randomly for no reason!" I shout and she sighs. "It's not no reason. We're rogues, rogues aren't allowed or accepted and the nearby packs are starting to catch on. We could die if we stay here," She explains calmly, but I'm not listening. "Appa! We can't move!" I turn to my dad, who looks away. "Mian hae Yoonji, but your umma is right. It's for our safety," He says and I huff in anger, before stomping off, leaving my family alone in the living room. I sulk in my room, shaking. I need to go for a run. I think, before slinking out of the window and running into the woods where I shift, allowing my wolf to take over and guide me across the familiar territory. My family wasn't always rogues. My grandfather, the Alpha, banished us from our pack when my older sister, Eun Jae found her mate in a human. He disowned her, but we stayed by her side, so he disowned us all. We had to move away then, and we've finally settled down again, but now we have to once again, move. To Seoul. Why of all places would my parents pick Seoul? We'd probably be more safe in the country. Better yet, in another country, like France, or America. I've heard there are lots of rogues in America and that they're accepted more there. That might just be a rumor though. I hear a faint howl and immediately stop running, glancing around. I've run a few miles from my house and am right along the border of the closest pack to us. I hear footsteps approaching me quickly and I rush away, running back the way I came before that pack's nightly patrol catches me. That would be bad

        I make it home and stomp inside to where my parents are waiting. "Yoonji! How dare you run off like that! We were so worried!" My mother scolds, shaking me gently by the shoulders. "Mian, but I had to get my anger out of my system. My wolf was begging for a run," I explain, trying to pull away. I feel slightly better, but I'm still irritated at my parents for this sudden news. "Just, don't do it again," She says, before letting me go. "Pack your things, we leave first thing tomorrow morning," She adds and I clench my fists, nodding, before stomping up to my room and quickly packing all of my things. "Gwenchana?" I look up to see my older brother, Jun Pyo, standing in the doorway to my bedroom. "No, I'm not fine. I'm pissed. How can Umma and Appa just expect us to move at the drop of a dime like that?" I whine and he rolls his eyes. "Kitty, we're moving. It's not the end of the world. Plus, you heard what they said. It's for our safety. You don't want something to happen to any of us, do you?" He asks and I huff. "I guess not. And how many times do I have to tell you not to call me Kitty? I'm not a baby anymore," I pout and he snickers. "But you're not vicious enough yet. Besides, you'll always be my little Kitty!" He coos, pinching my cheek and laughing at my irritated expression as I slap his hand away. "Don't you have some packing to do?" I snap bitterly and he laughs. "Ooh, feisty. Actually, I'm done packing, so I have more time to annoy you," He teases and I roll my eyes. "Get a life Jun," I mutter and he laughs. "But teasing you is so much fun!" He replies and I stare blankly at him. "I'm going to bed. Night. Show yourself out," I say, before sliding under the blankets on my bed and closing my eyes, ignoring his whines and pouting, before he finally leaves and I'm left in peace. I'm very close to Jun Pyo. He and I are only three years apart, where my older sister and I are eight years apart, my younger brother and I are seven years apart, and my little sister is 13 years younger than me. Jun has been calling me Kitty ever since we were little and I tried to bark at him, but it came out as more of a pitiful meow. Ever since then, he's called me kitty. Not to mention, when I was little, my wolf looked a bit different and her ears resembled a cat's more than a wolfs. Especially since they were too big for my head, so not only did I have to grow into my paws, but I had to grow into my ears as well. That's where that annoying nickname came from and ever since I turned 13 and finally looked like an actual wolf, I've been trying to get him to stop calling me that, to no avail.

        "Yoonji yah! Yoonji!" I groan and pull my pillow over my ears to block out the noise. "Noona! Bali! We have to go! Umma said you have to get up and bring your things downstairs." I groan loudly and sit up, glaring at my little brother, Sungjae. "Aniyo," I mutter and he huffs. "Fine, I'll just have to go get Umma," He says and I shrug. "Do it. I don't care," I retort and he narrows his eyes, before stomping out. "Umma! Yoonji won't come!" He whines and then their voices are muffled. Finally, I hear loud thumps coming down the hall and a small figure tumbles into my room. "Unnie! Come on! We have to go! I wanna see our new house!" My little sister Ri Gul begs and I try to avoid eye contact. Ri Gul has a way with her eyes that make you want to please her. Something about her pout and sad face makes you feel sad as well. I think she secretly has some sort of power, but she says she doesn't. I don't know if I should believe her though, seeing as she's only four and doesn't really know what she's talking about. "Jebal?" I make the mistake of looking up as her voice significantly softens and flinch as she lays her pouting face on me. She pokes out her bottom lip, letting her chin tremble as her eyes grow big and teary. She adds a few sniffles and that's what does it for me. 

        "Arasso! I'm getting up ok?" I give in and immediately her pout disappears. "Yeah! Ka ja!" She cheers, before running out and leaving me to drag my bags downstairs, annoyed at myself for falling for her act. "Ready?" My appa asks me and I bite my lip, glancing back at my house. "No, but I have no choice, right?" I ask and he smiles sadly, ruffling my hair, before ushering me into our car in between Ri Gul and Jun Pyo. I watch as our house slowly fades away in the distance as we drive to our new home. Taking a deep breath, I lean back and close my eyes, turning my music on and putting my headphones in my ears. Here's to a new beginning.

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