Chapter 6

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Recap: As soon as I close my eyes to try and get some sleep, the sound of my phone vibrating breaks the silence. I snatch it up and open it to see that I have a message. 'Hey' I don't try to hold back my smile as I type a response. 'Did I wake you?' 'Ani' My smile drops slightly at the short responses. 'Oh, that's good.' 'Yeah' I begin to type my response. 'Listen, about earlier today-' 'I'm really tired so I'm going to go to sleep. See you tomorrow' I stop typing and read the message, my smile dropping immediately. I quickly delete what I had started to type and respond with something else. 'Arasso, jal ja, Chanyeol.'

Yoonji's POV

I trudge downstairs, tugging at my short skirt. I hate this damn uniform.

"Good morning Yoonji." I grunt in response and my mother sends me a look. "Now, is that the proper way to greet your mother?" I force a smile.

"Mian hae, good morning Eomma," I say, unable to hide the sarcasm in my voice. She shakes her head and turns back to the stove. She quickly finishes cooking and places a plate in front of me.

"Yoonji, I need you to pick Sungjae up from school and walk him home today," she says.

"Huh? Waeyo?" She sends me a displeased look as I speak around a mouthful of food.

"Because no one else can and I don't trust him to walk home alone."

"What about Jun Pyo oppa or Eun Jae unnie?" I ask.

"They both have to work. Honestly Yoonji you're acting as if it's a pain to be with your younger brother," my mother says.

"Ani that's not it! Mian hae, I'll pick him up," I say, feeling guilty. I don't mind picking my brother up, I just wasn't planning on going out of the way on my route home, but it's ok.

"Good. Now you better get going or you'll be late to school." I nod and grab my bag, kissing my mother on the cheek as I leave.

"Bye Eomma."

"Bye, be safe and have a good day!" The walk to school is boring and uneventful. I'm surprised when I find myself feeling relieved as I reach the school. At least I'll have something to do today. I tell myself as I trudge up the stairs to the main entrance. Tons of students stand in the hallways, talking and laughing with each other. With no one to talk to, I head to my first class. It seems that I wasn't the only one who was hoping for some peace and quiet. As soon as I enter the classroom, my eyes land on a boy in the back, with his head down on the desk. I'm about to leave the room when he looks up and we lock eyes.

My heart skips a beat as I take in those familiar chocolate eyes.

"Chanyeol." He blinks, before putting his head back down on the table, causing my heart to fall slightly. Why am I so upset? Shouldn't I be ecstatic that he's ignoring me for once? Against my better judgement, I take a seat next to him. "Um, Chanyeol?" He ignores me and I sigh, continuing anyway. "About yesterday, I'm really sorry. I didn't know about your parents," I say. He doesn't say anything and I begin to grow annoyed. "Honestly, are you really still upset?" I ask. I'm shocked as he starts to laugh. He sits up and shakes his head at me, still chuckling.

"No I'm not still upset. I just wanted to see how you would react if I was," he says and my jaw drops. I glare at him, turning away. "Yoonji-yah." I jump as he mumbles into my ear.

"Wae?" I snap.

"You're cute when you're mad," he chortles and I glare at him in disbelief.

"You're unbelievable."

"I know, I'm just that amazing." I stare blankly at him and he sends me a crooked grin.

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