Chapter 2

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Recap: I watch as our house slowly fades away in the distance as we drive to our new home. Taking a deep breath, I lean back and close my eyes, turning my music on and putting my headphones in my ears. Here's to a new beginning.
Yoonji's POV
        "Yoonji! Yah! Ga Yoonji! Wake up!" I groan as my face is repeatedly beaten with a pillow and sit up abruptly, glaring at the culprit, who turns out to be my older sister, Eun Jae. "Ugh! It's just you," I groan, falling back onto my bed in annoyance. "Well it's nice to see you too," She chuckles dryly and I glare up at her. "You woke me from my slumber," I say flatly and she rolls her eyes, smiling. "You're so weird. Now get up, you're gonna be late for your first day at your new school," She says, turning and fixing her hair in my mirror. I ignore her and turn on my side, trying to go back to sleep. "Yah Yoonji! Come on, the kids really want to see you," She says and my eyes snap open. "The kids are here?" I ask, slowly sitting up and she nods, smirking. "Of course, Donghyun is at work and I couldn't leave them at home alone," She says and I bite my lip, before sighing. "Fine, I'll get up, but you have to get out so I can get ready!" I stand and shoo her out, slamming the door behind her and leaning against it tiredly. I take a quick shower before changing and trudging down the stairs of our new home and into the kitchen. "Imo!" I'm immediately attack by two small giggling bundles as soon as I enter the room. "Annyeong! How are my two favorite boys?" I ask as I bend down to eye level with my twin nephews. 

        "Good! We missed you!" They chorus in unison. "I know it's been like a billion years since I last saw you!" I agree and they nod. "A billion gajillion years!" My nephew, Hak Kun adds and I laugh, nodding. "Ne, a billion gajillion." "Imo Imo look! I lost a tooth!" My other nephew, Jae Hwa opens his mouth as wide as he can and points to the back of his mouth where a small hole is left from his missing tooth. "Way to go buddy! Did the tooth fairy leave you any money?" I ask and he nods. "I got 100,000 won!" He exclaims, bouncing up and down and I chuckle. "Lucky!" "Yoonji, hurry up or you'll be late for school! You can play with the twins later!" My mother scolds and I pout as the boys whine. "Awww but halmeoni!" They whine and my sister pokes her head out from behind my mother. "Do I hear whining?" She asks, raising her eyebrows and the boys immediately stand up straight, plastering forced smiles on their faces. "Ani! Ani!" They exclaim, bowing, before hugging me and running away. I laugh, shaking my head. "Go easy on 'em unnie. They just worship me so much, they can't help but whine when I leave," I snicker and my sister rolls her eyes. "Go to school," She says, smiling and I smirk. "Yes umma," I tease, sticking my tongue out before grabbing an apple and leaving the house. 

        I make it to my new school and stare gaping outside of it for a moment. It's literally a palace. Like I'm not even joking. I'm pretty sure the richest person in the world would stand gaping at this school, that's how big it is. Ok maybe not that big, but you get the picture. I shake my head to clear my thoughts, before taking a deep breath and entering the school. I look around for anyone to ask where the front office is, but everyone is too busy staring at me like I'm an alien, making me feel uncomfortable. I contemplate snapping at them to take a picture, it will last longer, but decide against it, not wanting to make a bad first impression. Finally, I find the office on my own and walk inside, looking around. "Can I help you?" I look up to see a young woman sitting at the front desk. "Ah, ne. I'm new and I need my schedule," I trail off awkwardly and she smiles warmly. "Ah yes! You must be Ga Yoonji, ne?" She asks and I nod, waiting somewhat awkwardly as she shifts through some files, before handing me a piece of paper. "Here you go! Your first class is just down the hall to the right. The headmaster isn't here right now, he's at a meeting, but he will get you your uniform by the end of the day," She says, before turning back to her computer. "Gamsahamnida!" I exclaim, bowing, before rushing out. Uniform? That's gonna suck. I hate school uniforms and not being able to wear what I want. Plus, uniforms are usually a dull gray or navy color and super short. "Aish," I groan quietly to myself as I make my way down the long hallway until I reach my first class.

        I take a deep breath, before pushing open the door. I take a hesitant step inside, looking around. The students are already crowded around the room, talking loudly, so not many people notice when I enter. Not sure what to do, I set my things down at an empty chair and stand their awkwardly. Finally, the door opens again and a young woman enters with her head down. "I'm not looking at all of you not sitting on the desks and I can't hear you talking loudly at all," She says, smirking at the ground as the class grows silent and everyone rushes to sit down, leaving me the only one standing. All eyes zero in on me, the stupid person who didn't go with what everyone else did, and I shift uncomfortably on my feet. "Oh, hello! You must be the new student, Ga Yoonji!" The teacher smiles kindly at me and I send a small one back, nodding. "Ne." "Well, welcome to our school! I know you'll love it here," She says and I see a few people roll their eyes, unknown to her. I nod and sit down as she starts the lesson. Suddenly, a strong scent fills my nose and I stiffen. There's another wolf in this room. You see, humans and werewolves have different scents. A human has a strong smell, like when you walk into a small perfume store in the mall. It's overwhelming and sometimes I get headaches if I'm with a large group of humans for too long, but a werewolf's scent is more faint and subtle. They smell like rain and the woods. All werewolves smell the same to each other, except for your mate. Your mate has a special smell. It's kind of like in Harry Potter, how the love potion smells like whatever appeals most to the person smelling it. Your mate smells like a scent that you love. 

        Glancing around, I sniff a few times, before my eyes land on a boy in the corner of the classroom, who is also staring at me, somewhat accusingly. Shifting uncomfortably under his stare, I turn my attention back to the teacher. I wasn't aware their was a pack near this area, so unless he's a rogue, there is a pack that no one knows about, and that's a bit unnerving. Finally the bell rings and I jump up, rushing out of the classroom and into the crowded halls. Sadly, I stick out like a sore thumb since I don't have a uniform, so I can't blend in with the crowd. I push through the mass of people, trying to avoid the wolf and get to my next class, but a hand latches onto my forearm, stopping me. I'm ruffly pulled back and into a janitors closet where I'm promptly shoved up against the wall, harshly. "What are you doing on our territory?" I look down in slight fear at the same boy from class. Growling slightly, I glare at him. "I wasn't aware this was anyone's territory, so don't try and threaten me because you know as well as I do that unknown packs are purged and everyone is killed," I spit back and he smirks slightly. "If you don't say anything, I won't," He says and I smirk back. "Deal. I'm Yoonji by the way," I say, sticking out my hand and he snorts. "Baekhyun, and I know. You're in my first period," He says and I flush slightly. "So, is there anything else you need, or did you pull me into this closet for nothing?" I ask awkwardly and he rolls his eyes, opening the door.

        "Go on." I nod and step out, looking around to see that almost everyone is gone. Glancing down at my schedule, I realize that I don't know where my next class is. "Um, wait! Baehyun ah!" I call and he turns around with raised eyebrows. "Um, can you maybe show me to my next class?"

My Secret Mate-A Park Chanyeol Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now