Chapter 5

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Recap: "Are you going to tell Woojin?" "No!" I blurt out too quickly and he sends me a suspicious look. "Waeyo? He's the head alpha. You have to tell him," he says and I shake my head. "No I can't." "Wae?" "I can't tell you, just, trust me, please," I say and he narrows his eyes. "Chanyeol-" "Please Baek. I'm asking as your alpha and your best friend. Don't tell Woojin about Yoonji," I beg and he examines me, before sighing. "Alright. I promise." I let out a sigh of relief, dropping my head slightly. She's safe for now, but I can't hide her from Woojin forever. I have to do something.

Yoonji's POV

My eyes droop as the teacher drones on about a topic that I've long since stopped listening to. After finally getting Jun Pyo off my case about Jongin, Ri Geul insisted I join her in her Barbie movie marathon. Hours later, she finally lets me go and my mom forced me to do my homework. By the time I finished everything, it was after midnight and of course, I couldn't sleep. So I laid in bed all night, scrolling through Instagram until I finally fell asleep at 4 am. The teacher's voice gets even more distant and my head falls onto my arms in a heap. I can't lift my head now, so I just close my eyes and lay there.

"Yoonji. Yah rogue." I jump as someone shakes me roughly. I turn to glare at the culprit, to find, of course, Baekhyun. He examines me with raised eyebrows, before speaking. "You look like shit." I glare at him, smoothing my hair down and shoving my things into my bag.

"Gee thanks. That makes me feel a whole lot better," I mutter sarcastically and he snorts.

"Whatever. Hurry up, I'm starving." I roll my eyes and purposely take my time packing up, causing a groan to omit from him. "Do you have to be so slow?"

"If it bothers you, you can go ahead. Why do you insist on taking me everywhere with you?" I snap and he opens his mouth to reply, before shutting it.

"I just do." I narrow my eyes, tossing my bag over my shoulder as we begin to walk to the cafeteria.

"You just do? What sort of a crappy excuse is that?" He looks away, shrugging, and I roll my eyes. Of course. No reply. We go through the lunch line and he forces me to sit at his table again, where I'm met with accusing glares from everyone except for Jongin, who smiles brightly at me, waving. I sit down across from him, next to some kid with eye bags, who glances at me with a disgusted look on his face. I turn to him and send him the sweetest, yet most sarcastic smile I could manage. He rolls his eyes and turns away, talking to the boy on his left. I stare down at my tray of non edible mush, when someone takes the last vacant seat beside me. I glance up, my eyes widening slightly as I'm met with Chanyeol's smirk. I narrow my eyes, turning away and forcing myself to stare at my food, instead of him.

"Is there a reason you won't look at me?" I hear a deep voice mutter in my ear, causing goosebumps to rise on my arms and I shiver. Chanyeol seems happy with that reaction as his smirk grows.

"Sorry I didn't know if a rogue looking at you would hurt your pretty face," I snap back, quiet enough so that no one can hear but him. His smirk falters and he turns away, not saying another word. My phone vibrates in my back pocket and I pull it out, unlocking it to check the message.

'You look pissed.' 

I glance up at Kai with raised eyebrows, glancing down at my phone, then back up at him. He holds his own phone up, wiggling it and I roll my eyes, a small smile on my face as I reply.

'You're friends aren't exactly the most welcoming.' 

He reads the message and sends me a sympathetic smile. 'Yeah sorry about that. They're not as open to rogues. They were born and raised in this pack.'

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