Chapter 4

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Recap: 'Chanyeol, have you found her yet?' I bite my lip, glancing around, before quickly typing a reply. 'Ani. I don't think she's going to come here.''I have sources that say she will be here soon! You have to be on the lookout and if you see her, you must report it immediately! Got it?' I inhale deeply, before answering. 'Ne. Hyung.''Good, I'll see you when you get home. Be sure you keep your eyes peeled.' I stare at the picture for a moment, hoping my eyes are playing a trick on me. After a moment, when the picture doesn't change, I let out a loud groan, leaning my elbows on my knees and cradling my head in my hands. How will I ever be able to kill her?

Yoonji's POV

I stare blankly out the window, ignoring everyone and everything around me. Of course I would end up with the worlds biggest dick as my mate. I clench my fists as his words fill my head. So what if I'm a rogue? I'm so busy wallowing in my rage that I don't hear the teacher call my name.

"Ga Yoonji. Ga Yoonji!" I jump slightly, blinking a few times, before turning to the teacher.


"Zoning out on your first day? Are you going to make this a habit?" she scolds and I shrug.

"Sorry." The teacher narrows her eyes at me.

"Don't let it happen again." She resumes her lesson and I roll my eyes, staring blankly at the front of the room, tuning the noises around me out.

"Rogue. Yah Rogue! Class is over!" I slowly open my eyes and look up to see Baekhyun smirking down at me. "Finally. I've been calling your name for ages! The teacher gave up on trying to wake you a while ago," he smirks and I roll my eyes. "You're a handful you know that. Now I'm going to be late for my next class because you made me wait."

"You should've left then. Why wait for me? I'm just a rogue," I spit bitterly, slinging my backpack onto my shoulder. His smirk falters slightly, and he sends me a questioning look.

"Did something happen?" he asks and I shake my head.

"No nothing happened, and even if something did happen, I wouldn't tell you." Baekhyun gasps and places a hand to his chest in mock hurt.

"Wow that hurt. I thought we were friends Rogue," he pouts and I roll my eyes.

"What made you think that?" I reply and he narrows his eyes, but doesn't say anything. We make it to our final class and Baekhyun forces me to sit in the back with him. Someone takes a seat on his other side and I stiffen as the familiar scent of another werewolf fills the air.

"What is she doing here?" the person whispers harshly to Baekhyun and I turn to stare with raised eyebrows at the boy.

"Is it a crime to attend class?" I ask and he scowls at me.

"No, but I'd rather you not be so close to me, rogue," he sneers and I roll my eyes.

"Well you can blame your buddy over here," I mutter, jabbing a thumb at Baekhyun. "Believe me if I could I would be sitting as far from you as possible."

"Baekhyun," the boy begins and Baekhyun sighs.

"Sehun, please, just bare with it," he says and the boy, Sehun glares at me one more time, before turning away. I hear someone snort beside me and I turn to my right to see another boy, another wolf.

"Is something funny?" I ask, as he turns his gaze to me, an amused smirk on his face.

"You really seem to get under Sehunnie's skin. I just find it amusing that's all," he shrugs and I narrow my eyes at him as he holds out a hand. "I'm Jongin, but you can call me Kai." He winks and flashes a flirty grin. I examine his hand hesitantly, before gently grasping it.

My Secret Mate-A Park Chanyeol Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now