red dawn

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"well what the f- are we gonna do now?" montana threw her hands up. cleo, alex, montana, chet, margaret, brooke, and montana sat in a cabin, trying to come up with a new plan.
"what if we go across the lake?" margaret thought.
"and try and get help, good idea." cleo nodded.
"trevor, you go with her." montana encouraged. trevor gave her an angry look. montana shrugged, coaxing him up. he sighed.
"yeah. fine." he followed margaret out the door to the boating shack.

xavier started murmuring about chef bertie and his burns in his sleep. cleo walked to his side, brushing a piece of hair out of his face. she shushed him kindly, helping him fall back into a deep sleep.
"woah, do you guys see that?" brooke pointed out the window. montana and cleo ran to the window. the three girls pressed against the window, peering through the murky darkness.
"is that ray?" cleo questioned, squinting a little.
"that's not possible. he went to get help." montana backed away from the window.
"it's him." i decided.
"i'm gonna go get him." brooke nodded, turning to run off. she came face to face with montana, who was holding a hatchet, raised up.
"yeah. keep that close." brooke patted montana's arm, running out of the cabin.
"f-!" montana yelled, swinging her arms like a toddler having a tantrum. cleo watched her, but looked away right as montana noticed.
"spasm." montana laughed. cleo nodded, laughing out of fear montana would kill her if she didn't. cleo sat on a bed, montana on the floor in front of her.

"when i kissed you earlier, i hope i didn't weird you out." montana said.
"no, it's ok. i have to say, the attraction was mutual. but i just don't think we would work." cleo but her lip. she felt awful saying that, because she had liked montana at one point in the evening. but learning more about montana and seeing how she almost killed brooke, she had decided things would never work between the two
"ok good. because i'm like totally getting it on with trevor, but i didn't wanna hurt your feelings." montana sighed. cleo laughed, this time for real.
"good. i'm happy you can have that even during this awful night." cleo smiled.
"what about you and alex? i thought something was going on?" montana asked.
"yeah, maybe a little something. i'm not trying to get too into it, you know, in case one of us dies or something." cleo explained. montana giggled at the sound of cleo turning down a relationship because she might die. right as the girls stopped laughing, xavier woke up.
"is anyone here yet? are we safe?" he asked drowsily.
"nobody's coming to save us." montana rubbed his hair. xavier groaned, getting angry again.
"brooke's been gone a while, i think i'm gonna go look for her." cleo decided.
"be safe." montana smiled.
"i promise." cleo winked, running towards the door. she was about to open it when donna burst through, almost running into cleo.
"not another step. don't leave." she told cleo, who was frightened now.
"back the f- up!" montana yelled, grabbing her hatchet.
"woah woah woah! i'm not here to brawl. i got something to tell y'all." she said, putting her hands up.
"go ahead." montana said in a sassy tone.
"it's jingles. i let him out." donna admitted. cleo turned to see montana and xavier. it felt like slow motion watching the anger spread in their face, crinkling up like paper. their eyes squinted, mouths twisting. honestly, cleo was scared of them in that moment and she hadn't even done anything bad.

"it's your fault! your fault i look like this! your fault i'll never be on tv guide! your fault my future's in radio!" xavier roared. he threw montana and cleo out of the way, snatching montana's hatchet from her clammy hand. he raised it right as donna turn and sprinted out the door. brooke ran in the back door, panting and out of breath. montana and cleo jumped up to help her.
"what's wrong?" cleo asked.
"ray. he's dead. he was with me, but his head...was in the fridge." brooke panted.
"what?" cleo asked. she didn't get time to ask any more questions, as montana screamed loudly and slammed brooke over the head with some random hard object. brooke collapsed to the ground. cleo backed out of the way, terrified of montana's rage fit. montana grabbed a cord and wrapped it around brooke's throat.
"this is for my brother!" she screamed. now cleo was really confused.
"i didn't kill your brother!" brooke yelled.
"but you're the reason he's dead." montana said.
"i didn't sleep with him either!" brooke screamed. montana screamed again as brooke stabbed her in the knee. cleo gasped, falling onto one of the bunk beds. brooke jumped up and ran out of the cabin. cleo followed her, more scared of montana than either of the serial killers.

montana followed them, screaming in agony and anger. cleo hid behind a tree, watching montana and brooke roll around on the dirt, screaming and fighting. it looked like brooke was done for when montana got her in the stomach, but brooke grabbed the knife from montana and twisted to land on top, stabbing montana in the chest.
"no!" cleo cried out. brooke raised the knife over her head with both hands, tears streaming down her face. she took one look at cleo, who was crying even harder. brooke took a breath and stabbed montana mercilessly in the heart. cleo broke down, crying harder. brooke got up and ran off, leaving the knife in montana's chest. cleo ran over to montana's lifeless body, crying as she fell onto montana. she heard footsteps coming quickly, but was too weak to even run. alex sat beside her, rubbing her back and comforting her as she weeped.
"it's ok." he whispered into her ear, running his fingers through her messy dirty blonde hair. her tears started to stop, giving her time to wipe her face. blood seeped from montana's chest.
"we have to go." alex said, holding her hand. she nodded, kissing montana's cheek before standing up and following alex away from montana's corpse.

cleo woke up the following morning, asleep beside alex. she kissed his cheek before sliding out of the bed and out of the cabin to the porch, where she saw brooke in the clearing. she was covered in blood, holding a knife. cleo feared she had gone crazy and murdered everyone, but when she thought of it, brooke didn't look any different then she did last night. she saw that there wasn't a knife in montana anymore, so she guessed brooke was holding it. alex came out, standing beside cleo on the porch. he held on to her fingers, following as cleo walked out to brooke. she only then noticed the bus of kids watching brooke.

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