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"run." trevor said. the group sprinted out the front door, stopping when they heard teen boys laughing. cleo turned, seeing two young boys with masks that looked like jingle's face and black raincoats on.
"are you kidding me." she groaned.
"f--ing townies." montana yelled. the boys were cracking up.
"this is unbelievable." trevor rubbed his forehead.
"we totally got you guys! it's a prank! every year on the anniversary of the massacre we do it." they explained through giggles.
"very funny." xavier spat. cleo heard faint jingling. it was getting louder.
"guys, what's that?" she asked. everyone stopped talking.
"oh no." montana backed away from a large figure limping towards us.
"we already got em. prank is done!" the boys yelled to the person. the guy walked faster and faster. he came right up to one of the teens and slit his throat, then proceeded to stab him in the chest multiple times.
"run!" trevor yelled. they sprinted away, right into a boat shed.


"jeez, that was a long walk." ray panted as rita opened the door to the infirmary office. alex walked across the room to the key rack and grabbed his immediately.
"see ya!" he said, heading out the back door.
"dude!" chet yelled.
"what a douchewad." ray sighed as rita grabbed her keys.
"i'm going with him." brooke waved, running out the back to find alex. she saw him walking quickly to the parking lot.
"hey." she panted.
"oh, hey. sorry i ditched out, i'm trying to get out of here." he said. brooke began to say something, when she heard screaming coming from the office. the two stopped, listening to the sounds. stabbing sounds. yelling. they saw rita run out, followed by chet and ray a little later. chet was carrying ray. they went a different way then rita.

"which way should we go?" brooke asked.
"with rita. she's alone. chet and ray have each other." alex nodded confidently. the pair ran the way rita went, reaching her at the lot.
"what happened?" brooke asked.
"ramirez, the night stalker, got us. stabbed ray. i thought they were behind me, but i guess not." rita panted.
"they went a different way. i'm gonna go find them." alex waved his finger, running off.
"good luck!" brooke whisper yelled.
"ok. let's just wait." brooke leaned against the car.
"i have to. i need to stay in case something happens. but you need to get out of here. go. take my car to the nearest hotel, i'll find a way to meet you there." rita suggested. brooke didn't want to leave rita, but she also didn't want to stay here a second longer. she nodded halfheartedly. brooke went to open the door when she felt a needle piercing her neck.
"what is this rita?" she asked as her vision went blurry.
"i'm not rita. i'm donna. a phd student on the hunt for serial killers."
"what did you give me?" brooke began to fall.
"horse tranquilizers. i think."

in the time being...

"this place smells like the bottom of a toliet bowl." montana gagged quietly, running behind a wall with the rest of the group. she almost tripped over what she thought was an oar, but was mortified when she looked down to see a girl bound and gagged.
"oh my god." cleo gasped. the girl whimpered through her gag. xavier made a shushing motion. the girl cried anyways. he pulled the gag out, causing her to scream. he slapped his hand over her mouth.
"shh! we don't wanna hurt you." he whispered. she cried as the jingling approached. she continued to whimper. montana grabbed cleo's hand, squeezing it tightly. they shared a frightened but comforting look as xavier reluctantly untied the hostage. she crawled away instantly, right towards jingles. she whimpered. trevor could see her backing away.
"no!" she screamed. the group heard someone sliding in her mouth, then silence. they waited until they heard the jingling fade out. trevor watched him exit, and waited until they couldn't hear the jingling at out. they crawled away from their hiding spot, crying out in agony as they faced the dead hostage, an oar shoved down her throat. cleo crumpled to the floor, crying at the sight of blood spilling out of the hostage's mouth. only when she was knelt to the floor did she see the name tag on her white coat. rita, r.n.

the group ran out of the shed, down the path, into the woods. none of them noticed the figure coming towards them until they barreled into each other. cleo and xavier screamed.
"dude?" xavier asked, seeing it was ray.
"it's me. it's me dude." ray reassured them.
"ray, take my keys." trevor panted, handing his ninja keys to ray.
"why?" ray asked.
"i gotta stay. make sure everyone gets out alive. someone go. someone go with ray and get to a call box. get us some help." trevor explained.
"i'll go." montana volunteered.
"good. the rest of us will try and find the others, scout for anyone. if we don't find them, we will head to the parking lot. meet us there after you call." trevor said. the group split. montana still held on to cleo's hand, holding eye contact for a couple seconds before finally letting go of cleo's grasp and following ray.

xavier, trevor, and cleo kept going, only stopping when they heard cries of pain coming from a pit in the ground.
"dude, is that chet?" xavier asked. the cries continued. the trio approached the hole, looking down.
"what the hell are you doing down there, man?" xavier yelled down.
"i'm dying! what does it look like i'm doing?" chet cried, a stake piercing through his shoulder.
"ray said he lost you on the way!" trevor yelled.
"he's got issues man. serious issues. hurry up and get me out!" chet yelled in agony.
"ok. i'm coming down." xavier said, looking at trevor and cleo for reassurance. they nodded, giving him the go ahead. he leapt into the pit, landing right on the edge, away from a stake.

he pulled chet off the stake and boosted him up to trevor, who handed him off to cleo. cleo dragged him to a tree, turning her face away from the blood leaking from the open wound. chet tried to be quiet, but his agonizing screams couldn't be shushed. trevor helped xavier out as cleo used her jacket to cover chet's shoulder. she tied it under his armpit, around his back. she knotted it quickly, noticing a faint jingling sound. she immediately turned to face trevor and xavier, who looked just as terrified as she did.
"it's the four of us against one of him. we can take him." trevor nodded. he sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than the others. xavier agreed half heartedly. the jingling got closer.
"screw if. my guns against him!" trevor slapped his muscles and bounded towards the large figure approaching. trevor yelled, hurling the man into the death trap stake pit. xavier and cleo rushed to the pit.
"dude! that was awesome!" xavier high fived trevor. cleo nodded.
"bad news. that was not jingles."

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