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Note: it's funny how a lot of people write about scenes in SoW and OC's, but no one(from what I can tell)has written about Rendor you go! Also, Rendor doesn't die here—I think I'm gonna write a full on fan fiction  because I'm writing so much about the End and Enderknights...


"Chronos," Rendor growled. "We were such good friends...why'd you let it come to this?"

"Oh, come on, Rendor," Chronos said, waving his axe but not letting his guard down, "why do you hate the Voltaris? They were friends."

"Until they wanted the prime songs for themselves."

"Until the other clans took away what was rightfully them, Rendor! Brother, why can't you see why I'm with them? Their point is valid and right, no matter how bad their actions. I can't stand by and watch—or fight against—a clan that has done nothing wrong, that has been judged for years for nothing. Can you not why I cannot side with you? Because you are fighting against the Voltaris." Chronos finally said in a regal voice, "'Till we meet again."

Then he charged, making everything for Rendor fade to black. Kanarine...Abbigail...

Then he fell over.


"No. No!" Kanarine said, pacing her room. On the battlefield, she had seen her husband have an axe plunged into his chest—by his best friend! "Why, Chronos, why?"

Tiny Abbigail started wailing after seeing her mother's bad mood. Kanarine walked over to Abbi and cooed, "It's alright, Little Abbi. It'll be alright."

Whereas in her mind, she was thinking the opposite.


Note: Rainrider is Rendor's dragon—ik, not the best name, could have chosen Dawn but...meh I prefer Rainrider, Raina for short

Rainrider watched as her owner fell. Letting out a roar, she flew over and landed on Chronos, throwing him away as she hurried to her king's safety. She could see that the End was losing and retreating, including her queen.

Quickly, she hoisted Rendor, who's armour light was as dim as the dawn(dawn because its dim, but there's still light—I should know, I get up at six), onto her back and flew to Mount Velgrin.


Two Ardoni were fighting as if they were only sparring like they used to. But no. This was real. And like before, the red overpowered the yellow.

Note: welp not rlly but still


Another note: Rendor can understand Raina; dragons are rather intelligent. Keep reading pls ;)

Raina watched Rendor. She had just taken off his armour. His chest was still rising, but ever so faintly. Come back, she thought. Quick, Rendor, come back.

She remembered hearing her king tell her about how an Enderknight heals quickest when their dragon is with them. "That's why I need you in battle!" He had joked. "Also, an Enderdragon's flame heals Enderkings and queens. I'm not overly sure about Enderqueens, actually, because there hasn't been one before."

Raina gently blew a soft purple flame on Rendor's chest wound. It was a little too low to kill him—Chronos had aimed for his heart, but missed when Raina roared. Surprising how Netherblades could go through Enderarmour so easily. Speaking of End armour...

She glanced at Rendor's. It was broken, cracked; probably from Chronos' sword, but possibly from Raina taking it off so hurriedly.

Chronos. The one who had spent so much time with Rendor. The one who had come over and laughed and joked with him. Who had brought his magma block pets because he knew that little ol' Rainrider loved to play with them.

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