Allison Rosayln Stronghold

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Name: Allison Rosalyn Stronghold
Age: 17 years old
Brother: Twin brother will; she's older by two minutes
Hair color: Brown (like her parents hair)
Eye color: Blue eyes (she got her eye color from her dad, while Will got brown eyes from his mother)
Height: 5'3
Weight: 114 pounds
Best friends: Layla Williams, her twin brother Will, Zach, Ethan, Rosalie, and magenta.

Portrayed by: Ava Allan

Boyfriend/soulmate: Warren Peace 



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Parents: Steve and Josie Stronghold

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Parents: Steve and Josie Stronghold. (Also known as The commander and Jetstream)

Powers: She can fly, has super strength, and has the ability to control ice and snow.

Bio: hey guys, I'll be doing my bio in the next chapter. See you guys there. Bye!

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