Want to hold your hand

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Allison's POV

I could feel his eyes on me. The entire time. You have no idea how hard it is not to turn towards him and kiss the living day lights out of him. I wanted people to know he was mine again. That he wasn't on the market. That he was MINE! But I can't. Because it's true. He's not mine. He used to be. And I wished I could go back to where he was mine and I was his. I smiled sadly at the thought of old times. Hand holding. Small kisses. Pecks on the lips. Holding on to each other like our lives depended on it. Just missing his scent. His warmth. His touch. I miss everything about him. But in the name of love. My love for him. I have to do this. No matter how much I hate doing it. And no matter how much I hate that fucking bitch.

But I guess she won. Because now I have nothing. I know people talk about me. They don't know that I know that they whisper and I know what they are saying. They don't know I see the pitiful looks they shoot me. I see it all. And it's so hard. And damn it! I just to hold his fucking hand! I want to hold his hand and never let go. I want him to wrap his arms around me again and make me feel safe. Because in his arms I am safe. I try not to show it to him what I'm really feeling. But it's like he can read me like an open book. But he never says anything about it. But I can see it in his eyes that he knows exactly what I'm feeling.


I sighed and shook my head. Focusing on what I needed. But then I felt him lean into me. I froze for a mid second and then turned to look at him. To see him trying to look at my paper. I scuffed and smirked. "You know, your very obvious", I told him. He just gave me a wolf like smirk. He did that eyebrow wiggle thing. I giggled softly. "When have I ever not been obvious?", he asked me. I rolled my eyes at him. "True", I said. He chuckled and gently pushed my shoulder. Okay, okay. Friends do this. Right? But feeling him touch me gave me goosebumps, but the good kind. I looked back at him. To see him trying to balance his pencil on his nose. I giggled. He always knew how to make me laugh. He may be famous, but he was still my Warren. And I hope he'll always stay that way. Well, at least with me.

He even crossed his eyes at me while trying to balance his pencil on his nose. I giggled again. I couldn't help it. He looked so cute and adorable. "Miss. Stronghold! Would you like to share with the rest of the class on what is so funny?", Mr. Henderson asked sternly. But before I could say anything Warren cut me off. "I'm sorry Mr. Henderson. It's all my fault, not hers", Warren said with a smug smile on his lips. Damn it. Why does he have to be so damn gorgeous when he smiles like that?

I watched as Mr. Henderson gave Warren the stink eye. "Next time I will be moving the both of you. I mean it this time", he said glaring at Warren. But all Warren did was give him was a smug nod. Mr. Henderson rolled his eyes at us before turning back around. I smiled in amusement. I then focused my eyes back at the board. But before I could, I felt something touch my hand. I looked down and saw a piece of paper. I raised an eyebrow in curiosity. I sneakily grabbed it and opened it under my desk. It was in his chicken scratch. "He's all bark and no bite. He'll never be able to move us 😉", he wrote. I smiled and folded it. I put in my bookcase. Along with the other thousands of notes he had given me. I just smirked at him. "True", I whispered to him. He only chuckled lowly. Only for the both of us could hear.

Man, I really wanted to hold his hand. I just want to hold your hand. But I'm doing this for you baby. And I love you, but I won't let you ruin everything you've built. Especially not for me. I'm not worth all that trouble. Like some people say, if you love them, then let them go. And it's killing me to. Because I just want to keep you close, forever. I sighed and started to play with the ring on my finger. The reminder of it brought a smile on my face. It made my heart beat faster against my chest at the memory. But that was all it was. A memory. A sad smile lit up on my face. I love you baby. I love you so much. And I'm gonna hate myself for this later. I know I am. But I love you enough to have your dreams come true before mine can. Because you are my dream.

I didn't even realize that class was over. Not until I felt his warm hand on my shoulder. I jumped in my seat. "Hey it's just me, class is over", he told me. I gave him a smile. Not one of my normal smiles and I could see it in his eyes that he knew that. And that's what broke my heart. "Come on, it's lunch time. And I would rather eat with my number one girl", he said winking at me. I smiled softly and nodded. I grabbed everything from the desk and shoved it all into my backpack. I placed my backpack on my back and walked along with him. A smile on my face the whole time. Because even though we aren't together anymore. I still get to see that beautiful face of his everyday. It was worth the heartbreak.

Or so I thought.

Sometimes heartbreak is much worse. And it just hurts a bit too much. And sometimes you don't find that out until way later, when it really hurts you. And that's how it hit me. Too late. The heartbreak hit me at a wrong time. A time where I really needed him. And he wasn't there. And I'll end up all alone. And then that'll be when my heart will freeze over. Frozen solid. Heartbreak may not kill me. But deep inside I'm already dead.

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