☼ The Beanstalk Sympathizes with the Crow ☼

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Shouyou loathes the god who decided to grant his wish.

He eyes the same electric blue of the morning sky, the same hickory brown of the birds flying by, the same sage green of the trees nearby with abhorrence. Now, he wishes that his vision would go back to its pathetic state, to see the world in its old, monochrome color. Alas, the detestable god picked this time to shun his existence and now the poor lad opens his eyes to see the celeste blue sky.

It was one thing that he wakes up and miraculously sees color again. He isn't colorblind, not one bit; it's his sorry mental state to blame that he has lost his ability to see the nuance of colors. So, waking up and seeing the different colors came as a huge surprise him as he was already planning his end and is in a worst state than he used to be four years ago. But it's a completely different thing to wake up at 5:42 AM on the nearby field every single time. And if that wasn't irregular enough, every single day is the same; the pattern only changing if Shouyou made a different approach, but it would go back to its original algorithm on the next day.

Today is his tenth today and at this point, Shouyou concludes that he will never get out of the time loop. He isn't stupid, he knows that he's stuck in his current predicament because of his depression and suicidal mind. Yet, how can he be free of the one thing that chains him when the sole reason he is in his sadden state is the of the loss of his family? He may consider his teammates as his family, but the warmth that they expel will never rival his mother's love or sister's adoration.

So he is doomed. Oh joy.

He doesn't pay attention to his teachers. By now, he knows the lessons and answers by heart, and he had gleefully rubbed his perfect score on Kei's bewildered face on his sixth today. He doesn't watch the world outside his window. Instead, to keep his mind busy, he thinks about tamago kake gohan and meat buns.

When lunch time came, Shouyou grabbed his lunch and bolted out of his classroom and went straight to the roof. He climbs the staircase block and sat on the edge, his feet dangling. He pulls out his phone and earphones out of his pocket, popped both buds on and pressed My R by Hakiru Station. He opens his bento and ate happily, denying the world's bullshit access in his momentary peace.

With his hearing occupied, Shouyou didn't hear the door to the roof open below him. He doesn't hear the newcomer climb the staircase block behind him. He does see, however, when someone sat down beside him. Shouyou turned and frowned to see his fellow middle blocker, Kei, with his headphones dangling around his neck.

This was the first time the shrimp has ever seen the blond teen climb up the roof since his time loop started. Without saying a word, Shouyou grabbed his bento and directed it to his companion, silently asking him if he wants some. Kei scans the contents of the bento, grabbed an onigiri and eats it. Shouyou brought back his bento to his lap and ate, neither teen speaking.

For Shouyou, though the tall middle blocker pisses him off most of the time, there was something calming with his presence. The snarky teen just sat there, not speaking, just munching the onigiri in his hand and yet, Shouyou feels like he wants to cry his heart out. His presence, Shouyou concludes, is like a moon. Just out of reach and yet, it softly shines down on you. Taking a deep breath, he asked monotonously; not feeling the need to cover-up the emptiness he feels inside, "Do you know what it feels like to fight for the image you created to protect yourself?"

Kei didn't answer immediately as he pops the onigiri in his mouth, chews and swallowed. He turns to his orange head companion, eyes contemplating before looking up the maya blue sky. "No," Kei answered, "But I know someone who did." Hands reaching out to amber yellow sun, Kei added bitterly, "And it broke him."

Shouyou nodded grimly as he sets aside his empty bento. Pausing for a minute, Shouyou turned to face the salty teen before asking, "What are you doing here anyway?" Kei shrugged and turned to him, "You're stuck in a time loop, aren't you?"

Shouyou's blood ran cold.

His bronze orange orbs went wide when his mind fully registered the words the tall blond had uttered. Canary yellow eyes bore through his, violently banging every iron door that barred his very soul. "W-what?" was all the short middle blocker could utter as he tightly clutched the fabric on his chest. Kei tilted his head, eyes taking in the boy in front of him who began to shake. "I was in the same situation as you are," Kei said as he turned his attention back to the amber yellow sun shying its presence behind the daisy white clouds, "Like knows like. But to think that I'd see YOU is such a pathetic state, really, the world damns anyone." He said the last part with a bitter chuckle.

After Shouyou had succeeded in calming himself down, he stared at his companion, "How did you get out?" Kei scoffed then shook his head, "I have no idea. After spending three weeks in my time loop, I woke up and the scene is entirely different." It was Shouyou's turning to tilt his head as he narrows his eyes on the snarky teen. Nodding to himself, he averted his gaze from his companion and settled on his hands before he said hoarsely, "I'm damned then?"

Kei laughed.

"At this point, we're all damned," Kei said enthusiastically before he laughed heartfully. With the blond teen's laughter rattling his soul, Shouyou smiled and let out his own ragged laugh, their sanity finally snapping. If someone heard the two merrily laughing, they'll say that the two became best friends. But the two knew better; this was a damned fool who stumbled upon a ruptured soul, both too tired to reach out to the other. The moon shines down on people, but it alone is useless without the sun's light.


Shouyou opens his eyes, his empty gaze settling on the celeste blue sky, and laughs.

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