chapter eight

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Brian was awake and making breakfast. Lizzy was in the showers. Ormond was playing with his toys in the living room.

Lizzy got out and got ready. Than head to the kitchen and living room. Lizzy started to feel weird. She runs to the bathroom and vomits. Brian drops everything and goes in there. Lizzy said," I don't feel so good." Brian said," you should stay in bed resting." Lizzy goes to the bed. Brian pulls the covers over her. He gives her seven up and a bucket.

Ormond walked in and Brian said," come on buddy. Let's go eat food. Let mama sleep some." Lizzy fell asleep. Brian took Ormond to give him food.

Ormond eats his food. Brian eats his food. Lizzy wakes up screaming. Brian runs in and sees her holding her stomach and crying. Brian goes to her to calm her down. He sings holy to her.

Lizzy stops crying. Brian was holding her. Lizzy looks up at him. Brian kisses her head. Lizzy lays back after he sings and Brian covers her with the blanket.

Lizzy took his hand. Brian strokes her head. Than she falls asleep.

Brian goes out to the living room. He goes to check on Ormond. Ormond was playing with his toys.

Lizzy starts to scream so loud. Brian runs to her and she was bleeding everywhere. Ormond goes to Tyler's and Brian takes Lizzy to hospital.

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